Greeting in Conversation Framework

I am now implementing Conversation Framework by Eric Eve in one of my games.

One thing I am having trouble with. I want to eliminate the automatic greeting/leave-taking in conversations, because these things will already be written into the dialog or interaction text. I also want to eliminate implicit greeting/leave-taking, at least the messages that result. Is there an efficient way to do this? I want my PC to be able to freely converse with NPCs, should there happen to be more than one NPC in a room, without having to ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’ each one.


I just started working through learning Eric’s conversation extensions the other day!

If you’re also using Conversation Responses, it’s easy enough to override the greetings. Does this do what you’re looking for?

Include Conversation Responses by Eric Eve.

The treehouse is a room. Jane is a woman in the treehouse.

Greeting response for Jane: do nothing.

This should handle both explicit (JANE, HELLO) and implicit (just starting to talk to Jane without explicitly saying hello) responses, because the extension falls back on the greeting response for implicit greetings when no implicit greeting response is defined, but you could change Greeting response for Jane to Implicit greeting response for Jane if you want to retain greeting handling when the player explicitly greets her.

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Thanks, Patrick, that looks like it would do just fine!

(By the way, I also want to thank you for your review of my first game, Bullhockey!, from the 2018 IFComp!)

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I’ve been meaning to get to Bullhockey! 2 and just haven’t had the time yet! It’s just been such a busy year. But the first one really was a fun romp.

I’m glad that helps!

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Thank you so much for the compliments!

Another question regarding Conversation Framework–it’s just a small detail but someone is likely to cock an eye at it–one thing I noticed is that if you just ‘say yes’ to someone without any previous conversation, you get ‘You need to specify who you want to speak to’. Even if you say ‘say yes to Richard’. Is there any way to ‘set the interlocutor to the noun’? I’m going to try to make a rule like

Before answering someone that "yes":
    set the interlocutor to the noun.
etc etc

Will this work?

That I can’t say – I haven’t tried it, and haven’t had a chance to do much with my current project during this round of holiday visitors. (In fact, I’m still digging through my current work in progress to locate the existing rule that’s interfering with the conversion to Eric’ Conversation extensions. Sigh.) But I hope someone else pops up and has an answer for you.

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Thanks, Patrick. Happy holidays!

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And to you!

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