Ghosts Within Hints

Can I request a hint on how to get the marigolds, if you start by going to the hut? I know they’re in the yard by the research facility, and I have Dr Hughes’ ID card, but I can’t find a way to use the card to get access, and asking Marquita for help doesn’t seem to go anywhere.


EDIT: Never mind, got! I’d tried a bunch of other phrasings, but it was TELL MARQUITA ABOUT FAY that did the trick.


I banged my head against this one, too. If you’ve found the business card in 103, you can also SHOW BUSINESS CARD TO MARQUITA. MARQUITA, OPEN GATE doesn’t work, though.

At least, that’s all true if you start from the institute.


Oh, interesting!

I didn’t find a business card in 103, so maybe that’s different between the starts. Or maybe I just missed it. I’m definitely hoping someone builds a full walkthrough of this one!

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i think it’s because of the different start. I went to the hut first, and I also got the marigold through Fay instead of a business card. Where did you start from? It sounds like that changes a lot more than I would’ve expected!


I’m going to replay your game from the Secret Facility starting point, but first I thought I’d stop by this thread to see the new posts…

Wow! Looks like Ghosts Within has really captured the fascination of some very determined players.

Congratulations on that!


I’m definitely going back to it after the Comp is over. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I was #teamhut as well, and it does seem like plot as well as puzzles can shift based on that decision – or at least, which pieces of the plot you’re able to access.

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I am having some trouble with the last puzzle for the ending with Dr. Hughes. It is obvious (to me) that the combination to the safe should be a date. However, I’ve tried all of the choices I’ve been able to find, from the most obvious, the date of Flora’s death to less obvious choices, including:
- The date on the calendar in the lobby
- Luna’s birth and death dates
- The anniversaries of the above on the year on the calendar

Maybe I’m missing something completely, like a handle I need to turn on the safe after I set the dials or something, although the descriptions aren’t giving me any clues in that direction.


Hello @brendoncdodd. It seems you are almost there, so here’s some help!

Indeed a date is required for the safe combination. Although, I cannot say why, the solution to this puzzle is one of the above dates you mentioned and the safe will open automatically when you turn each of the three dials to the correct number for the combination.
Furthermore, if you ask/show the calendar to Dr. Hughes, you will get a hint about the correct date.
Thanks for spending some time with Ghosts Within!

— Kyriakos

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I’m getting the impression that your hints and the in-game clues are leading me to use Luna’s death day, and I’m anxious to find out why that is story-wise. I’m betting it has something to do with the mayor’s guilt in the third ending. It doesn’t seem to be working, though. I’ve tried setting all the dials back to zero before setting them to the date as well as setting each dial to something else and turning it back in case there was a particular dial that needed to be set last. I suspect I have run into a bug or something. To make sure, I am setting the first dial, which says it goes from 0-12, to five; the second dial, 0-31, to 30; and the third dial, 0-99, to 57

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Indeed @brendoncdodd, your thoughts and solution are correct, but I can’t understand why it doesn’t work. I’m curious what version of the game you play!

Have you checked if the safe has been unlcocked, since you already tried the correct combination. The order you set the dials doesn’t matter at all!

If none of the above helps, then you probably have to start from the beginning and retrace your steps up until this point, which requires about 75 moves, starting from Farma, completing doctor’s quest, lighting the lamp, going to mayor’s house to find key and going to the office. If you already know the path it should take you <5min to reach the mayor’s office again.

I just tried to do it again from the start with the same result. If it helps here’s my full score:

>full score
In 269 moves, you have scored 14 of a possible 50 points. Your score consists of:
1 point for lighting the hooded lantern
1 point for throwing the ball to the guard dog
2 points for acquiring the gardening gloves from Fay
2 points for finding the grill in the car wreckage
3 points for grilling the raw cod for Gregory Wright
3 points for unblocking the abandoned house front doors
2 points for helping Captain Morty with his boat problem

And here’s my version info:

Ghosts Within version 1.2

TADS 3 Library version 3.1.3
TADS 3 Spelling Corrector version 1.1
T3 VM (mjr-T3) version 3.1.3

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Okay I now see the problem!

Instead of setting the dials, use turn dial to ##.

Thank you @brendoncdodd for helping me notice this minor bug and I’m really sorry for the inconvenience! :blush:

— Kyriakos

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This is an excellent game but it’s crying out for a walkthrough!

Having started from the village, I’m now stuck on 18 points:

1 point for throwing the ball to Lieutenant
1 point for lighting the hooded lantern
2 points for acquiring the gardening gloves from Fay
2 points for finding the grill in the car wreckage
3 points for grilling the raw cod for Gregory Wright
3 points for bringing clean linens to Silas Holt
1 point for opening the trunk of the car
3 points for unblocking the abandoned house front doors
2 points for helping Captain Morty with his boat problem

I have to find these:

A rare Mary’s gold piece, a ghost pipe, and a bunch of crow feet.

I know where the first is but can’t get it, and don’t know where the others are. I’ve heard mention of a flower guide. Do I need that to find the items? If so, where is it?


I think you want to look in the cemetery area again.

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Thanks - I just have done. Still no joy, and I feel I’ve looked across the whole map.

Any chance of an explicit hint if you know where the things are that I’m looking for? Moving the boulder is the only obvious thing that I need to do now and it seems I have to find these items to make that happen…

There’s a path from a room in the cemetery area to the back of the mayor’s house. You can refer to Patrick’s map). That’s where you find the flower guide. I don’t remember exactly what the guide tells you, but I think it might be needed to ID the flowers.

If you get stuck after that: How you get into the facility for the flower might depend on which place you went first in the beginning. I just told the guard about Fay I think. Or I might’ve asked Fay about each flower as well.

You’ll also find a trowel. Not necessary to reach the ending I got, but if you want to know where I’ve found to dig: west beach and marina


Aha, thanks! That should do it. Exactly the sort of difficult to find thing I like to put in my own games so naturally, I’m infuriated when I encounter it as a player.

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I loved/hated the warm gloves hidden right under my nose in Faeries.

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Now on 31 points and in need of some soap (it’s been hard and dirty work so far). Mrs Chapman has some but refuses to give me any. I’ve walked around the map and asked absolutely everyone else for it (thereby cementing my reputation as an eccentric incomer) but to no avail. Any ideas how I can get some?

(Also, note for the author @Domenico : this input ‘>ask silas for soap’ produces an error message: ‘[Runtime error: index out of range]’)

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