The 14[sup]th[/sup] annual interactive fiction Grand Prix competition for German language games can be announced!
Competition schedule: March 1, 2024 12 p.m. CET: Deadline for submission of intents. April 1, 2024 7 p.m. CET: Deadline for entries. April 2, 2024: Entries will be released to the public. May 1, 2024 11.45 p.m. CET: Voting deadline. May 2, 2024: Results will be published.
Everbody can paricipate as author or judge the comp entries. Rules, schedule, further information and discussions here:
Five German language #ifGP24 games are ready to play and can be rated until May 1, 2024. Included is the German translation of The Spectators by Amanda Walker. Have fun:
The games:
Das Versteck des Meisters (Microsoft Windows 10+ App) by Stefan Hoffmann
Staub (Glulx) by IkeC
Der Turm des Hexenmeisters (HTML/JavaScript) by Carsten Pfeffer
Der Wildkatzberg (Commodore 64) by Juergen Popp
Die Zuschauer (Glulx) by Amanda Walker and Olaf Nowacki (translation)
I want to thank @OlafNowacki profusely for wanting to translate my game and for actually slogging through all that work and all my terrible programming to do it. Just finding a good German translation of the poem was a labor of love for him. I am so thrilled to see this game-- which is as much Olaf’s as mine now-- in the Grand Prix!