The classics:
“Comics & Sequential Art”, by Will Eisner, 1985
“Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art”, by Scott McCloud, 1993
“The Art of Game Design: A book of lenses”, by Jesse Schell, 2008
The less mainstream:
“El Cómic: una dramaturgia mestiza” (“The Comic: A mestizo dramaturgy”), by Carles Batlle, 2013
"Comics, Linguistics, and Visual Language: The past and future of a field”, by Neil Cohn, 2012
“El alma oscura del juego: Teoría y motivos recurrentes de la dificultad como estética ludoficcional” ( “The dark soul of the game: Theory and recurring reasons for the difficulty as a ludofictiona aesthetic” ), by Mateo Terrasa Torres, 2021