I’m mainly happy with the game results, although I know that it lacks things.
Putting all these ideas down in this document has helped me to explain a little about the process of creating the game, in case it can help someone. But it has also helped me to rationalize and understand the work done, and to use these guidelines for the development of other episodes of this series, because I hope to be able to bring back Gent Stickman in future adventures.
It has been a very nice experience to participate in Parser Comp, and the high stress I felt trying to be on time with the first game, disappears when I consider other projects, as I don’t have too many expectations for the result. I can now focus on enjoying not the game but the process, with the silly ideas living behind my glasses.
Thanks to all that read this to the end. You are heroes. Thanks too to the Parser Comp organizers, and a special thought to Adam. Thanks to all that play the game now or in the future, and many thanks to last minute testers that wanted to kill me for not having the game done sooner. Thanks to the community, the English speaking one and the small ones in so many other languages who are still keeping alive the fireplace of that old hobby of typing to play.
You will never walk alone. Typing to play is the new black. Text ga ga, text goo goo, someone still loves you.