FRISE v2 released -- new support for text effects, paperdolls, choice-based rpg, etc

About a year ago, I announced here the first version of FRISE (FRee Interactive Story Engine). This year, after coding my NEO-Twiny Jam 2024 entry in it (A Mind to Call Home), I decided to go back and add some more features and document them. As a result, I am pleased to announce FRISE Version 2.0. This version now supports:

I created FRISE because I already knew HTML and Javascript and I didn’t really want to learn a new language just for IF. FRISE games are thus written in valid HTML, leveraging that tags beginning with x- are valid HTML. I also wanted as small a system as possible. Even with the new features the code base is around 3200 lines of code including verbose comments. If you minify it, it clocks in around 30KB.


Looks interesting. I am intrigued by the “paper doll” feature.

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