Friends of I7 @ GitHub

I assume you added them through the web interface? I think that’s a limitation of the website. One of us will be able to fix it through using the Git client. But don’t worry about it, it doesn’t hurt anything.

I started reviewing it, but it’s long and I don’t have much time today sorry! :slight_smile:

No problem. I should’ve mentioned it was a bit long. You’ve gotten me to a good start, and often cleaning up my code helps free me for bigger ideas. Besides, I can only do so much today, myself.

Would you mind giving me access to the Extensions repository?

What’s your username?

My GitHub username is ShinSekaiNoKami.

I’m used to just committing and pushing with my own repositories. With the Friends of I7 repo, I’m not sure what to do when I go to push, but it won’t let me because changes have been made to the remote and I need to update my local repo first. How do I do that? I’m reading about stuff like “fetch” and “pull” but I don’t want to do the wrong thing and mess it up.

Or, is there a way to just keep track of my own and not everyone else’s extensions in my local repo?

Git will store a local copy of each remote branch in a separate place from your own local branches. When you do git fetch, it downloads the remote branches. You can then merge the remote branches into your own local branches. Git pull combines those actions together. This repo is so simple and rarely edited you should have no problems just running the git pull command.

Ok, thanks!

(OK, OK, Andrew Schultz has very kindly offered to explain git to me, and when I have time to take him up on it I’ll finally start maintaining Tutorial Mode.)

Cute. I linked the same thing elsewhere. :slight_smile: And Andrew Schultz was also involved.

Works for me. :slight_smile:

I think it’s possible to make changes on Github without learning Git at all, if you use the web interface.

You can rebase your commits over the changes.

Pull, merge, push. If nobody else has touched the same files as you, the merge will succeed trivially.



I’d like to post some extensions I’ve been working on. Can I have access to the repository? My Github username is xavidotron.



Can I be added? The recent discussion of extensions reminded me that I should upload my 6M62 update for Volumetric Limiter. My GitHub user is prevtenet.


I added an inform 7 apropos phrase search extension here:

Add these lines:

Include Apropos by Klatayr Ganter.

Doubt is a room. The player is in doubt.

(Make sure the player is not also elsewhere)

I updated Secret Doors (by Andrew Owen) to work on 6M62.
It’s a tiny extension, but I found it useful (and a good place to start).

I’ll also probably be around for awhile as I’m using Inform in an educational setting. Can I get access? github username is rsanden.

I’m just a bit confused about the GitHub repo. … egercrantz has nine extensions … egercrantz only has three
But neither includes some of the ones here: … sions.html
Does that mean that the ones that aren’t in the archive repo were never on the inform7 extensions page?
If we wanted to update one of the ones that is in the archive repo would it then be put into the extensions repo?
Is that the same for ones that are only in if
Thanks for the advice.