"FrankenDrift": Play ADRIFT games on Mac and Linux

Nifty! You’re now the newest interpreter on https://www.ifwiki.org/ADRIFT_interpreters.


Update time. Version 0.3.0 is up:

Note that this release transitions from the .NET 5 runtime to .NET 6. If you are using Linux, you must install the new .NET runtime before you can run the new version. Users of Apple Silicon-based Macs can now download a native ARM version of the application.

The ARM build doesn’t work on my M1 Mac running macOS Big Sur 11.6.4:

Do I need to install any prereqs first?

(Also, the x64 Mac build didn’t work on my older Intel Mac running macOS Mojave. Same error, I think. A previous (quite old) build did work on the Intel Mojave Mac.)

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+1 doesn’t work on my M1 Mac, either, same error.

OK so apparently the automatic signatures applied by the .NET SDK (since some degree of code signing is required for all ARM-native executables) just didn’t sit right somehow so binaries were considered to be corrupted. Apparently the solution is simply to throw on a new ad-hoc signature before packaging the entire thing up for release. I’ve reuploaded the binaries on GitHub, it should now be possible to run them with the usual select-open-from-context-menu rigmarole.

Thanks! It basically works on my ARM Mac now, but I notice that an unexpected symbol (“Ø”) is being used as the command prompt:

Yeah, this is a quirk inherited from the ADRIFT Runner. In the Windings font, “Ø” makes a fancy prompt symbol:

… but unless you happen to have Windings installed on your system, you just get the “Ø” character itself. It never bothered me enough to come up with a fix for it, but I’ll put that on the to-do list.


The official ADRIFT 5 source already has a project called MonoRunner, which is basically Runner with all the Infragistics libraries stripped out. Just wondering if it wouldn’t be better committing changes to this to make it fully portable, and thus keeping fully compatible with the other versions?

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That would have been preferrable. Unfortunately, Mono has effectively dropped support for their Windows Forms implementation on macOS. (It relies on 32-bit-only libraries which are no longer available in recent versions of macOS.)

I’m sneaking in a small maintenance update here prior to the opening of ParserComp:

It seems that I neglected to announce the previous update in this thread, so here’s the combined change log since 0.3.0:


  • Allow suppressing the “(Press any key to continue)” prompt
  • Add a “restart game” menu option
  • Use the author’s chosen font, if available
  • Allow the user to adjust text size
  • Implement proper error reporting, so the application no longer mysteriously disappears
  • Windows: improve HiDPI scaling
  • Update dependencies and the bundled .NET runtime


  • Fix crashes for games using <del> in certain occasions
  • Fix the prompt symbol so it’s no longer “Ø”
  • Fix some games being unable to load
  • Fix the final question repeating endlessly when trying to end the game by typing “quit”
  • Fix keyboard shortcuts being swallowed up (mostly)
  • Fix unnecessary key-waiting when restoring or restarting a game

Another comp, another update, lol. With the imminent release of this year’s IFComp titles, including Lost Coastlines, I’m releasing version 0.6.0 of FrankenDrift with rudimentary support for an automatic map. (Because good luck playing that game without one.) I didn’t actually have a chance to test this with Lost Coastlines, so I guess we’ll have to just wait and find out together if it works or if it just crumbles under the size of that game :sweat_smile: :man_shrugging:. Anyways, here’s the download link:

Features include:

  • the automatic map (duh)
  • drag the map to look around (still fighting with making zoom work nicely)
  • in/out/up/down look a bit screwy but cardinal directions work alright
  • correctly interpret certain XML entities like &gt; and &lt;
  • actually visible text in Lost Coastlines (with v0.6.1)
  • update dependencies, remove old stuff, blah blah blah who even cares about the details just give me the thing

Works every time, 60 percent of the time...


Thanks for your continued work on this! :+1:

I’m not in the primary target audience, because I’m normally using the standard Windows ADRIFT Runner, but it’s cool to see that ADRIFT is viable on multiple platforms.

I tried out the new version on Windows and noticed two small issues:

  1. It seems that the default font size is 6, which is too small to be readable (at 1920x1080 on a 17" screen). I’d say it should either be at least size 12, or alternatively, the setting “Enable author-chosen default font” should be enabled by default, so that only people who want to override the game author’s settings will have to go into the preferences menu and change the font, where they’ll also set their preferred size.

  2. I accidentally typed a space in front of a command (" i" instead of “i”), and the command wasn’t recognized. The same seems to go for trailing whitespace ("i " vs “i”). They work fine in ADRIFT’s standard Windows Runner, which trims leading and trailing whitespace.

p.s.: Laughed out loud when I saw this setting:




It is probably just me dreaming,:wink: but when you have finished Gargoyle integration, here is a priority wish list from the viewpoint of increasing the popularity of Adrift. As soon Adrift is thriving, everything will become easier for Adrift including getting people to work on it.

  1. Modern browser play capability
    (1b. multi-interpreter integration if needed)
  2. Web / Mac / Linux version of the Developer
  3. Something I probably forgot
  4. Map feature - low priority

Don’t get me wrong, I love the map feature in the Adrift Runner. It is just that, unless you get the same quality as in the Adrift runner, it really isn’t worth it and I’m sure it’s a huge job to get it working that well, especially when playing through a browser. Most IF players do the mapping themselves or use Trizbort anyway.

Easy quality browser play is crucial for the survival of Adrift long term. As soon as online play works well, integration into multi-interpreters is less crucial. And it is just as important that the authors can easily make the game playable in a browser as most authors do not have programming skills. The next step must then be to do something similar with the Developer program.

The map feature is just a luxury we have gotten used to in the Adrift community and is not crucial for Adrift or any of the games. It would be much better if the IF community could agree on a mapping standard. In a way, it already exists in the form of Trizbort. It would be really cool, if automatic mapping became available in all interpreters.

ardi, I just tried v.0.6.1 and the map is so far excellent. If it is like that on all platforms and you are almost finished with it, I don’t hope I discouraged you. It looks excellent! I just thought it was better to wait with the map.

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I just downloaded FrankenDrift (I’m attempting to play my first ADRIFT game on an Intel-based Mac with macOS Ventura 13.1. The game crashes after I enter approximately three commands, so I haven’t progressed much. Is anyone else experiencing these crashes?

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No but thanks for telling us. Which game and did you get the newest version of FrankenDrift 0.6.1?

The more you can tell us what happened in the game, the better. I will try to replicate it then.

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I just downloaded and tried to play Achtung Panzer! mentioned in this post.

I downloaded this version from GitHub:

But when I view the About page, it reports a different version:

Actung Panzer! is the only game I’ve tried to play. I can download another ADRIFT file and see if I get the same results. Any recommendations?

— edited to include the following —

The only other thing I did was customize a few settings:

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I know that FrankenDrift runs Grandpa’s Ranch well, at least on Windows. I hope that works on your system too or it may be that FrankenDrift currently doesn’t work well on your setup(?) - I am not a Developer, just helping out with testing. @ArdiMaster is the developer - he might comment later I hope.

I think the latest macOS upgrade happened after the latest release of FrankenDrift, so maybe I’m having an issue related to the upgrade. Not sure.

I’ll try Grandpa’s Ranch and see if I get the same issues.

I saw another request for testers for a Comp game and would like to help, but I want to ensure I have a stable build to test with.

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Unfortunately, I’m experiencing the same crash issues playing Grandpa’s Ranch.

I’d be happy to provide logs or anything that could be useful. I’ll check the GitHub issues page to see if anything has been reported. If not, I’ll post an issue over there.

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