Is there a formal rule prohibiting the posting of LLM-generated content as one’s own self-produced text? If not, should there be something like that added to the Code of Conduct?
I’m pretty sure the mods have said you can’t pass off LLM content as your own (partially to avoid the forum being treated as a training ground), and have enforced that accordingly against various spammy accounts - haven’t seen as much of that of late, interestingly. But not sure if that update’s explicitly made it into the Code of Conduct yet.
Post Only Your Own Stuff
You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission.
While we haven’t specifically modified the CoC to call out AI generated content, we can moderate AI content under this rule.
- We encourage people to cite pure AI generated content they post as if it were taken from an existing work.
- We will shut down any account that is determined to be AI “masquerading” as a real person and trying to fool people. An AI cannot agree to the CoC and cannot be moderated.
It’s permissible if people are using AI as an assistive writing tool to help them compose - the same as some might use Grammarly to correct their syntax and punctuation. However if their content crosses the line into “the AI is fully writing this” we would moderate the content and likely talk to the user in private to make sure they’re not trying to be deceptive in any way.
In a different forum a user replied to my postings with AI generated text, which wasn’t obvious, but he told me later. That was very unpleasant. I would appreciate if this is forbidden if the poster doesn’t tell that he is doing so.