Five Coding Questions in Inform 7


Dude, I broadsided myself with that nonsense.

Thank you.

I can’t believe it was that simple! LOL!

Is there any way I can make the command not constantly repeat itself everytime I do something in the room, though? I’d ike someone to be able to say, look, or read something, without having the same thing repeated over and over again.

Is there no way to put an apostrophe in an item’s name? I would really like my book to read: Dr Satan Dracula’s “Summa Necromantica”.

Try this from ch 17.10:Summa Necromantica is in the lab. Before printing the name of Summa: say "Dr. Satan Dracula's [italic type]". After printing the name of Summa: say "[roman type]".

Thanks so much!

I was searching for [apostrophe] and it never came up.

I didn’t know you could have multiple otherwises. That should come in handy.

I’m struggling without my nested ifs.

Shaesays, you are my fellow struggling newbie. I feel solidarity with you.

Okay, now I have another question:

With my aforementioned ghost who appears, I also want there to appear a keychain (a container with a whole buttload of keys on it) on a supporter (a key-hook). But I don’t want this to appear everytime the ghost talks to the player, as he is going to talk quite a great many times. Basically, I want it to appear the first time the ghost appears and doesn’t kill the player, but not anytime after, as the player is likely to take it immediatly. This key-chain is also crucial because it will dramatically open up the game world: ALmost all the other rooms will be locked until you complete this puzzle, so as to not have people finish the other puzzles before they do this.

Also, is there a way to make the ghost shut up until the player enters the room again? I don’t want every action taken in the room while the ghost is there to make the ghost yap the same speech again and again. That’d get annoying quick.

ArchdukeJames, the feeling is mutual. It is nice to read your threads because we are sort of on the same level and the knowledge in them is useful to me.

Hey James,

Maybe we can test each other’s games when we’re finished!

Granted, we’ll know some of the puzzles. I’ll be all like, here’s the part where you drop that dead cat in the toilet. And you’ll be all like, “Here’s the part where I put on the bark cloth to climb over the barbed wire.”

BUT, we could give each game a fresh eye and give feedback, like, “I wanted to type ‘pet cat’” or what have you.

And we won’t make fun of each other for being noobs.

I plan to be done in about a week, or at worst, before Christmas. Lemme know what you think.

Create the key-hook with the keys already on it, but leave it off-stage. In the code where the ghost appears, add the following line;

move the key-hook to Ghost Room;

This will move the keys along with it, since they’re on the hook. It doesn’t matter if this line fires more than once. If the hook is already in the Ghost Room, nothing happens.

[code]The ghost can be chatty or quiet. After going to the Ghost Room, now the ghost is chatty.

Every turn when the ghost is chatty and the location is the Ghost Room:
say “The ghost says ‘Boo!’”;
now the ghost is quiet.[/code]