Finding Martin Invisiclues?

I really enjoyed my time playing Finding Martin recently. IFDB shows 94 people who have wishlisted it but only 12 who’ve actually played it.

It’s the kind of game where I imagine most people will need at least some level of hints to get through it (a few puzzles are pretty obscure and some are perfectly transparent but still incredibly fiddly to execute). Unfortunately the only available hints are the author’s walkthrough - which of course is enough to finish the game, but takes away some of the exploration otherwise inherent in a non-linear game. I was wondering about writing some Invisiclues-style hints for it, but it’ll be quite an undertaking so I’d probably want to know that at least a few people would be likely to make use of them.

Would you be more likely to play Finding Martin if there were Invisiclues hints available?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

I can’t vote because I already played but I definitely think this is a great idea!

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I think it would be a very nice thing to do for the community, and I would check them out for sure.


Ok, this looks like enough of a positive response that I’m going to give it a go. As a sneak preview, here a (deliberately zoomed-out and unintelligible) screenshot of the puzzle dependency graph:

Steps required to find Martin