Final Exam - alternate endings?

I just finished Final Exam (2015) with a “you have won” ending and 18 out of 20 points. But the game seems to pretty strongly imply that there is more to see. I completed the game by following the Central Administrator’s instructions and establishing the satellite link. I discovered what looks like the start of an “alternate” path, by POKE’ing the number written on my black box, leading to an extended flashback where it’s revealed that the Central Administrator can erase people’s memories. But I couldn’t work out what else I should be doing to bring about a different ending. Could anyone give a general hint about where I should be looking?


I’ve been meaning to get back to this myself… During that IFComp, I did get to the alternate ending and loved it, but when I replayed it with Jmac on his Youtube stream a couple years ago, I couldn’t remember how to get there. I remember it involves an alternate solution to connecting the cables so that different ports can be jacked into, but I don’t remember the details. Hope that’s enough to inspire you to explore further.

Also, DavidW managed to get 20/20 points in the ClubFloyd playthrough, but also didn’t get the alternate ending (though he speculates about it). Unfortunately it looks like he didn’t make a walkthrough for Key & Compass either. And the author’s walkthrough doesn’t mention its existence either, which I have mixed feelings about…

The author’s walkthrough mentions that it exists (it lists two winning endings and seven distinct losing ones, only one of which I think I found) but doesn’t say anything about how to get it …

I may well come back to this one after the current comp is over, trying to get through those right now!

I’m fairly sure there’s a third winning ending.