FIFP Round 3, All Divisions (Voting/Fan Choice Commentary)

Quick poll (join FIFP Fans to participate):

For any future tournament, how free should a competing game need to be in order to qualify?
  • already released to community via authorized IF Archive upload
  • currently available to download online, even if offline play is not optimal
  • currently available to play online, even if not downloadable
0 voters

Note that the IF Archive option would still require formal author declaration of intent to release the game for free public play, or equivalent (e.g. entrance in a comp requiring such release, last known website offered free download before going defunct, etc.).

EDIT: Also note that “currently available to download online” should be read as “currently available to download or play online,” where “online” means “requiring an internet connection while playing” as opposed to just “made to play in a browser.” I would update the question, but the forum won’t allow edits to the question now without erasing the existing poll results.