FIFP Round 1, Division 2 (Voting/Fan Choice Commentary)

Just 12 hours officially left to register your votes, so get them in before the buzzer!

A sneak peek of Division 3’s Round 1 for those following this thread: It will feature Spider and Web vs. Violet, which is sure to be a good contest. The other matches have been provided to @mathbrush, so we can look forward to his informed commentary on the lineup soon after the segment officially begins.

Also, the new Jumbotron will go live as part of the “big board” display on the event page. Those who have joined FIFP Fans can submit messages that they would like to see on it, so sign up if you haven’t already. (The display has a maximum of 2 lines at 24 characters each, so keep them short and sweet.) Messages will change with every score update.