Fictionarium, successor to Fabularium

Looking into it now, but I have a guess what the problem is.

As discussed above, Fabularium depends on IFID to create each game’s /GameData directory.[1] When I use the “Add to Game List (manual)” option and fill in the IFID field, the game is successfully added. When I use “Add to Game List (auto)”, however, Fabularium adds the .dat file to its /Games directory but doesn’t create the corresponding /GameData directory, so the game never appears in my library.

I haven’t double-checked this, but it’s the most likely explanation I can think of.

  1. This already causes problems when testing multiple versions of a game, or if an author mistakenly reuses an IFID: Fabularium can’t add a game with any IFID that already has a /GameData directory. ↩︎