Ficdown in Spanish

Best regards.

I recently translated the reference manual of Ficdown, which can be found here:

And if you still didn’t know, we also have a Development IDE for online Ficdown, for now only in Spanish:

And also, an Interactive Fiction course is in progress, yes, also in Spanish, which uses Ficdown as its main tool:

Special thanks to the author of Ficdown, Rudis Muiznieks. From the Hispanic community we encourage you with great impetus to not give up continuing to develop such a wonderful tool, which makes interactive fiction so easy.


The IDE is great. I would love to help translate the IDE’s GUI if you need any assistance with that. I sent you a message. I speak a little bit of Spanish. :slight_smile:

Yo hablo un poquito de español. Me encantaría ayudar con la traducción del GUI del IDE a íngles si quiere.