Feelies for Andromeda APOCALYPSE (of course)

Due to me lacking a cerebrum, the feelies archive in the IFComp site for my game only holds the (formerly) missing mp3 with the music by Extraordinary Wade Clarke.
The other feelies (a bunch of .jpgs, if you wanna know) is not in there. My mistake on sending the files to Incredibly Patient Stephen Granade.

If you want to download the feelies, just click on the “download” link under my game tab. You will be pointed to the IF-Archive, where all the files are kept.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


PS: Please note that the actual game has not been updated, so you can play whatever version you have downloaded, that one being the only one available! [emote]:)[/emote]

This is actually not your fault, but mine. I’ve fixed this on the IF Archive.

Thanks O Awesome Maintainer!