'Fatal Error' bothering me. Can't solve it!

Okay, so I get this error whenever I try to restart my game: Fatal Error: glk_window_open() was called without a window to split, but a window is already open.

I’m not sure why this is going on exactly and I’ve spent quite a while trying to solve the issue. I trimmed stuff off my game until I only had a little bit of code left that might give me an idea of what is causing the problem.

The only extensions I’m using are basic screen effects and location images (first version) by Emily Short and flexible windows by Jon Ingold. As for location images and flex windows, this might explain why the error has to do with windows.

Here is the bare-bones code I have for my game that keeps on giving me this error:


Include flexible windows by jon ingold.

include basic screen effects by emily short

Include location images by emily short.

Rule for printing the banner text: say "[bold type]X[roman type][line
break]blah blah[line break]blah blag[paragraph break]"

Before starting the virtual machine:
	now the current graphics drawing rule is the standard placement rule;
	now the currently shown picture is figure 1

Test me with "take pen/take letter/i/take all".

The background color of the status window is "#02db02"

The background color of the main window is "#000000"

Table of User Styles (continued)
style name	color	italic	relative size 
all-styles	"#02db02"	false	-- 

Figure 1 is the file “x.png”.
Figure 2 is the file “x.png”.

First Room is a room. "Go west." The room-illustration is Figure 1.

Second Room is west of First Room. "Go east." The room-illustration is Figure 2.

The ball is a thing in the Second Room.

Instead of taking the ball:
	end the story saying "game over"

Has anyone else had this issue with these extensions before? Any clue as to how I might go about a fix?

Which version of Flexible Windows are you using? The latest version is 15/170131 and can be found at https://github.com/i7/extensions

Note you’ll also need to install a bunch of other extensions. Sorry, it’s a little messy now.

I updated the versions of a few of my extensions and it totally worked! Thanks for reminding me to do that :stuck_out_tongue:

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