Experimental IFDB feature: Finding games with similar tags

I don’t think this was officially announced, but it’s been live for a while, so…

There is now a rough, experimental feature on IFDB for finding games that have the same genres and tags as another game.

As a tool for recommending a game based on another game you like, it’s…unreliable. Maybe a more standardized (and hierarchical?) system of tags would help. Adjusting the similarity scoring system would probably also help.

But if you want, you can play with it, and see how the tags you add affect results.

To try it:

  • Log in.
  • Go to any game page.
  • In the URL, change the word “viewgame” to say “similargames” instead.

In many cases, this will only show games that have at least one genre in common with the original game. Without this limit, the query was basically causing the web page to grind to a halt. So if a game has a custom, one-of-a kind genre instead of a standard genre, it may not work that well.

While this feature is not based on any of OtisTDog’s Magic 8 Ball code, it’s based on the same general idea of trying to find similar games.


I just tried this with Illuminizmo Iniziato. The tag [cheese] earned 4 uniqueness points!

Together with other similarities, this brought up a great list of recommendations, many of which I have played and which I would indeed place in the same broad family of games. I’m curious about the games I haven’t played yet.