As many people known, the IFComp postmortems is the place where authors finally openly discuss the comments and review and discuss mistakes and how to avoid it; of course, my entry has not few things to discuss and explain, and for now I kept the text in a file, edited when a new review appears, so at the right time, after mid-october I should only cut’n paste the text, which inevitably must be reformatted for the forum’s markup.
Hence, I think that the ideal should be allowing authors to post embargoed (news room sense, that is, to be released at a precise date) topics, to be put out after the end of judging period. (I understand that this led to the mess of an automated surge of new topic, whose impact on the server & our community’s fellows is easy to picture) but I think is a feature to be worth of discussing if is feasible and/or actually useful.
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.