Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) Conference 2024 Online Exhibition

This year, the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO) Conference and Media Festival will be hosted online by the University of Central Florida. There are opportunities to submit talks, workshops, and performances as well as the return of the online exhibition:

  • Online Exhibition. Due to the online-only format of the conference, all exhibition pieces must be designed for web deployment using web standard technologies and hosted on UCF’s server space. We particularly encourage work engaging thoughtfully with the constraints and affordances of the web, and pointing towards the past, present, and imagined futures of hypertext literature. For exhibition submissions, please provide a 350 - 500-word artist statement detailing the aesthetic intentions and structure of the piece. If available, please provide a URL of the work or a demonstration of the concept in-progress.

If you have an IF work, or will have an IF work somewhat ready, by the February 15th, 2024 deadline that could be played online, consider submitting!