You’re welcome! 
I think WinUAE is typically recommended, but I tried it just now and couldn’t get the game to run, unfortunately. [EDIT: I now managed to run it from a different disk image, see below at the end of the post.]
It showed the “Attic” company logo (even with sound – turn down the speakers) and the title screen with the dragon, and after a click, the title screen went away, but the actual game didn’t start. I don’t know whether this just needs some fiddling in the WinUAE configuration, or if the version I downloaded is somehow incomplete/corrupted.
If you want to try it yourself, you need to download WinUAE, of course, but also a separate Kickstart ROM file, for example from here: Amiga Kickstart ROMS : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
In the WinUAE settings under “Paths”, set the “System ROMs” path to the location of the downloaded ROM files (WinUAE will pick the right one, usually by default v1.3 for Amiga 500), and under “Quickstart” - “Emulated Drives”, choose “Select image file” and select the [EDIT: .adf
file from here] file “Drachen_von_Laas_Die_1991_Attic_DE.adf
” (downloaded from here), and click “Start”.
However, as I said above, the game didn’t load past the title screen, so maybe it’s not worth the effort to try to get the Amiga version running, if it’s just a one-off for this game.
Fun fact: Co-author Guido Henkel also worked on the old Realms of Arkania games and is one of the producers of Planescape: Torment, and he was the model for the Nameless One on the front cover of Planescape (with prosthetic make-up).
EDITED TO ADD: I now got it to run from this different disk image: Drachen von Laas, Die (1991)(Attic)(De)[o] - ROMs Amiga - Commodore Amiga - Games - ADF - Planet Emulation
But I would probably recommend to use the PC version instead, because the font in the Amiga version is harder to read, and the location images take up a lot of the screen space. Just use the PC version with DOSBox and remember to call up and dismiss the images with DEL