I remembered using Gargoyle in the past. My z code games, Windows 11, are now automatically linked to WinFrotz (grumble, grumble, Windows 11 file associations).
I am finding (older eyes) it uncomfortable to read white (that small?) text on a blue screen. I prefer bigger black letters on a White screen.
So gargoyle has all these plugs in but I do not know how to run a z code game in it. Do people assume we know what to do? Why?
Is it a command line exe start, like through Dos, gargoyle name.z file? Why is there not a text file in the zip that tells you how to use it with Tads, etc? Maybe I am just dumb or something but found no information on the web site or in the zip file how to do this. I might want to use to play tads game too, ya’ know.
Thanks. Marnie Parker aka that Doe Person