Don't order a pizza from ChatGPT

I was curious about ChatGPTs visual understanding of the things it writes about. Since ChatGPT can output code, I thought it should be able to output svg (Scalable Vector Graphics), a text based way to draw images. Below is a brief interaction between me and ChatGPT 3.5 trying to get it to draw me a pizza. You can copy and paste the SVG code into a file test.svg (make sure you have hidden extensions off so you are not accidentally naming the file test.svg.txt) and drag the file into a browser to see the images it created – so far we don’t have to worry about new pizza overlords. Why am I posting this here? Transcripts with ChatGPT are sorta interactive fictiony?


ME: output an svg image of a pizza

ChatGPT: I'm just a text-based AI and cannot directly generate SVG images. However, I can provide you with SVG code for a simple pizza slice that you can use in your projects. Here's an example of SVG code for a basic pizza slice:

<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200" version="1.1">
<!-- Pizza base -->
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="80" fill="#FFD700" />

<!-- Pizza crust -->
<path d="M100,100 L180,100 A80,80 0 0,1 100,180 Z" fill="#A0522D" />

<!-- Pizza toppings (you can add more toppings as needed) -->
<circle cx="120" cy="120" r="15" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="150" cy="150" r="12" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="130" cy="160" r="10" fill="#FF5733" />

You can copy and paste this SVG code into an HTML document or use it in your projects as needed. Feel free to customize the colors, sizes, or add more toppings to make it more realistic!

ME: can you make the last code so the toppings are spread all over the pizza

ChatGPT: Certainly! Here's an updated SVG code for a pizza with toppings spread all over it:

<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200" version="1.1">
<!-- Pizza base -->
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="80" fill="#FFD700" />

<!-- Pizza crust -->
<path d="M100,100 L180,100 A80,80 0 0,1 100,180 Z" fill="#A0522D" />

<!-- Pizza toppings -->
<circle cx="80" cy="70" r="10" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="60" cy="120" r="12" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="110" cy="140" r="14" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="130" cy="80" r="10" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="160" cy="120" r="12" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="110" cy="100" r="10" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="70" cy="160" r="14" fill="#FF5733" />
<circle cx="140" cy="160" r="12" fill="#FF5733" />

This code will create a pizza with toppings spread randomly across the pizza base. You can adjust the positions and sizes of the toppings as needed to achieve your desired look.

ME:all the pepperoni should be interior to the pizza, the separated slice should be more realistic

ChatGPT:I apologize for the previous oversight. Here's an updated SVG code for a pizza with pepperoni slices that are all inside the pizza and a more realistic pizza slice:

<svg xmlns="" width="200" height="200" version="1.1">
<!-- Pizza base -->
<circle cx="100" cy="100" r="80" fill="#FFD700" />

<!-- Pizza crust -->
<path d="M100,100 L180,100 A80,80 0 0,1 100,180 Z" fill="#A0522D" />

<!-- Pizza toppings -->
<!-- Pepperoni -->
<circle cx="100" cy="75" r="12" fill="#FF0000" />
<circle cx="75" cy="125" r="12" fill="#FF0000" />
<circle cx="125" cy="125" r="12" fill="#FF0000" />

<!-- Realistic pizza slice -->
<path d="M100,100 L170,90 A80,80 0 0,1 100,180 Z" fill="#FFD700" />
<path d="M100,100 L170,90 A80,80 0 0,0 100,100 Z" fill="#A0522D" />

This code creates a pizza with pepperoni slices inside and a more realistic pizza slice. Adjust the positions and sizes as needed to achieve the desired appearance.

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Come on, you’re asking a text AI to draw you a picture! That’s like asking a landscape gardener to rewire your house! This is what MidJourney came up with:

Here’s what MidJourney came up with when I asked it to write some SVG code:

Respect people’s specialisms! :smile:


Nice looking pizza, likely from some ad? Suspicious glass of cherry pie filling and ominous tin of crawfish claws or seeds of some sort. And a side hot pocket, apparently. There is a knife and fork because real humans eat pizza this way.

EDIT: also just noticed the slice is cut like a pie - a wedge from the circumference instead of straight across which is novel, and they changed their mind and started a straight-square cut on the other side of the pizza before they thought better of it.


Tellingly, the pizza has some slices, but the person cutting it had a stroke part way through.


I guess thinking about what I was asking ChatGPT a little more, it is something like the following activities… You have only seen descriptions of pizza and then are asked to draw one. Or you are tasked with being a set designer for a movie of an historical event you have only read about. How well does an AI trained only on texts do for these kinds of tasks compared to a human? Imagine a human brain raised in vat that has only experienced the world through text messages, but still having a normal human visual processing center. How would the activations of that center look after having read a lot about pizza?


I suspect disturbing in the utmost.


Not at home, but in an Italian restaurant, for sure!


Some call it sacrilege to use utensils for pizza. I sometimes would grab a fork when the pizza is hot to eat the pointy-part but then usually abandon it to pick up the crust once it’s cooled.


You cut the slice, then take it by the border, somewhat slightly fold it so it doesn’t fall down by the tip, and put it in your mouth. That is the way, young Mandalorians.

Ps: some Italians eat it with forks and knives but only because they fear the grease. Puny Italians.

PPS: pizzas are served with beer (preferably) or Coke (for the youngs). No wine. No water. And especially no Spring Roll. Behave.

TW: Crimes against Pizza

download (37)


I’m not against fruit or “dessert” pizzas. I’m even fine with Hawaiian (ham/pineapple) pizza, though it’s the one you order for your “buy two get one free” on a lark and not ever the primary pizza.

I have learned my lesson as a pickle-hater that you do not order a “cheeseburger” topped pizza without expecting default pickles.

Also, “buffalo chicken” pizza with wing sauce instead of pizza sauce is delicious but there’s a tragic price to pay later if your stomach does not neutralize hot wing sauce (which there’s a lot more of on a pizza than there is on glazed hot wings.)

I’m a big fan of a white-sauce “Alfredo” pizza with spinach and chicken and bacon on occasion, but it’s a different pizza experience. (See “Hawaiian” above.)

Fish does not belong on pizza. Minor exception for anchovy-lovers but that’s not standard. My “right on the squick” line is black olives; there can be a few, but if it’s overloaded with olives that is unpleasant.

Mind you, I’m from St. Louis so I’m not as prude as many pizza purists are:



Excuse me, you have a spelling error. “A Pizza Heretic” doesn’t start with an F. :wink:

(Heh, screwed that up.)


Not one of those depicted are pizzas, imo. But let’s not digress…


Stop oppressing those of us with alternate lifestyles!

St. Louis pizza is really good, but I understand it’s not the “pizza experience” some people require, and it’s not the only kind we eat. It’s the opposite of Detroit or Chicago pizza which is thick to the point of being a different foodstuff; “tomato sauce pie with toppings”.

The best article I read explaining is to think of St. Louis pizza as “pizza nachos” - the square slices are like little hors d’ouvres snacks you grab several of at a party. Also the thinner crust means it doesn’t fill you up as quickly and you get more toppings.


[Cackles in food snobbery.]


What would solve it for the Italian sensibility? “flatbread with toppings”?


Something like this. With topping, yes. Even sea shells or eggplant. But no bloody pineapple.



Peeps on pizza – I am not going to be able to sleep tonight.




Hang on, let me clear those tree leaves that seem to have have fallen onto your pizza. :leaves: