Documenting and preserving early IF (on IFDB, IFArchive)

I’m starting a new thread so that this discussion doesn’t get lost in the very long poll thread.

Continuing the discussion from Poll: When did you play IF for the first time?:


Are these mostly sourced from I don’t see a lot of value in uploading them to the IF Archive. IFDB seems to be the more useful discussion.


There’s now a very minimal page for this game at IFDB. Feel free to edit and add info, links, etc.

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I have posted in intfiction threads only games that are absolutely imposible to find out.
It seems that I must have some completacionist disprder or so, but I was stocking all the games into an Google drive’s account.

I mean.

There was that month or so that Internet Archive was offline.

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Wander now has a minimal authoring system page on IFWiki.


Wander is definitely a fascinating one. It originated the MUD convention of having parsing and actions coded per-room instead of globally, and Aldebaran III seems to be the first piece of IF where you play as a specific predefined character, as well as the first unlicensed IF adaptation of an existing property.