I notice that when I create a custom report rule for the built-in “touching” action, it works well but the default report rule fires anyway, displaying the famous “You feel nothing unexpected.” after the custom report.
Check touching something (this is the F030 - Check touching something rule):
if (the noun is the imperial sword):
say "When you touch your imperial sword, the blade feels strangely warm, offering a reassuring yet stern sensation under your fingers." instead;
otherwise if (the noun is a lit firebased-lighting-tool):
say "You wouldn't want to get burned..." instead;
continue the action;
Carry out touching something (this is the F030 - Carry out touching something rule):
if (the noun is made of iron) or (the noun is made of steel):
say "When you touch [the noun], it feels cold, hard, and unyielding under your fingers. [run paragraph on]";
otherwise if (the noun is made of wood):
say "When you touch [the noun], it feels warm, smooth, and slightly textured under your fingers. [run paragraph on]";
say "[touch of the noun] [run paragraph on]";
Report touching something:
say "report test";
9:03 am - Your turn : touch short sword
When you touch the short sword, it feels cold, hard, and unyielding under your fingers. report test
You feel nothing unexpected.
I guess that I have to disable the default report rule for the “touching” action ; the unlist option provided by the index seems propose an alternative:
The report touching things rule response (report touching rulebook) is "New text.".
which does not compile:
The sentence 'The report touching things rule response (report touching rulebook) is "New text."' seems to give something the name 'report touching things rule response (report touching rulebook)', but that name contains brackets '(' or ')', which is not allowed since the potential for confusion with other uses for brackets in Inform source text is too high. (If you need, say, a room which the player sees as 'Fillmore (West)', you can get this effect with: 'Fillmore West is a room with printed name "Fillmore (West)".')
I suppose I’m missing a fundamental concept, but which one?