Different main/menu colors for separate passages

Twine Version: 2.10.0

Fooling around with twine and harlowe, I found a problem:

Basically, I’m very minimalist in my experimenting, and also in my pet projects, but I have successfully introduced a slighty lighter sidebar (with a tiny test text):

, but in looking on varied colour passage (e.g. passage of time, or different areas) sidebar don’t change, leading to an ugly colorset:

The relevant sources are:

the CSS:

tw-story {
/* as I personally like */
Background-color: navy;
color: yellow;
font-size: 20pt;
max-width 75ex;
margin: 0 auto;

tw-link {
  color: orange;
  font-weight: normal;
tw-link:hover {
	color: lime;
.visited {
  color: purple;
.visited:hover {
  	color: magenta;

/* from mano & hal9k on intfic */

input[type=checkbox] {
	accent-color: red;

tw-dialog-links {
	flex-direction: column;
	gap: 0.5rem;

tw-dialog-links > tw-link {
	margin: 0 !important;

tw-sidebar {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 15%; /* padding-right of the tw-story element. */
  max-height: 100%;
  margin-top: 5%; /* padding-top of the tw-story element. */
  padding: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;
  text-align: left;
  background-color: blue;

the header passage setting the sidetext:

(append: ?SideBar)
[testo di test]

the “normal” passage(s), rather vanilla:

My customary inglenook

Back to the [[START]]

the “special” passage:

don't worry, politics don't matter in those special passages ;)

As is evident from the screenshotts, the enchant:?sidebar don’t work as expected; I tried diverse variation, without success. and after my “48 hrs. of attempts” rule, I remain at loss on why don’t work, so I ask our community, what is gone wrong there ?

TIA and
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

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Yeah… I’ve been testing and the code should be working without a problem… there may be a bug in Harlowe? (which should be reported here).

In the meantime you could do either:

<style>tw-sidebar {background:#c53932}</style>

In the passage you want with that colour OR, assign a tag for that passage and use it in the stylesheet:

[tags="the-tag-you-assigned-to-the-passage"] tw-sidebar {
    /*your css code*/
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I don’t know (=establish the trustworthness) of foss.heptapod, so let’s put aside the bug reporting, but if I infer correctly from a pair of old reports, seems that is an actual feature:

Later i’ll test your suggestions, but as I noted, I’m simply “experimenting” (read: messing and fooling around…) with Harlowe; but if you’re right and is an actual bug and not a feature, perhaps I was right in raising the question.

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.

It’s not a bug per-say…

Harlowe is specifically designed to be a closed system, and it doesn’t expect an Author to manually use external things like CSS or JavaScript to extend the functionality of their project or of the Harlowe runtime engine.

Case in point…

The default HTML structure of the “Story”, “Passage” and “Sidebar” areas of the page are…

<tw-story tags="" style="">
	<tw-passage tags="">
		<tw-sidebar collapsing="false">
			<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Undo" title="Undo" style="visibility: hidden;">↶</tw-icon>
			<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Redo" title="Redo">↷</tw-icon>
			<!-- Author added Contents of the Sidebare -->
			testo di test
		<tw-include type="header" name="Update Sidebar">
			<!-- Contents of your header tagged Passage, removed for simplisity. -->
		<!-- Contents of the Passage being visited, shortened for simplisity. -->
		My customary inglenook

When you use the (enchant:) macro to apply styling to the ?Sidebar Named Hook, the above <tw-sidebar> element structure is wrapped in a <tw-enchantment> element which is used to apply the enchantment.
eg. the following part…

<tw-sidebar collapsing="false">
	<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Undo" title="Undo" style="visibility: hidden;">↶</tw-icon>
	<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Redo" title="Redo">↷</tw-icon>
	<!-- Author added Contents of the Sidebare -->
	testo di test


<tw-enchantment style="background-color: rgb(197, 57, 50); display: block;">
	<tw-sidebar collapsing="false">
		<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Undo" title="Undo" style="visibility: hidden;">↶</tw-icon>
		<tw-icon tabindex="0" alt="Redo" title="Redo">↷</tw-icon>
		<!-- Author added Contents of the Sidebare -->
		testo di test

So the enchantment is working, however your tw-sidebar CSS Rule is overriding the inline styling being applied by the enchantment.

There are a couple of ways you could achieve the colour changing outcome you want:

1: The “Harlowe” way

This would likely look something like the following Twee Notation base example. It would make use of Harlowe styling macros, to do the colour changing part, and use CSS to resize the “Sidebar” area.
note: I have left out the other CSS Rules in your example for simplicity sake.

:: StoryStylesheet
tw-sidebar {
	/* your layout property assignments */
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 15%; /* padding-right of the tw-story element. */
	max-height: 100%;
	margin-top: 5%; /* padding-top of the tw-story element. */
	padding: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;
	text-align: left;
	/* following needed because Harlowe uses custom elements */
	background-color: inherit;

:: Update Sidebar [header]
(change: ?SideBar, (bg: blue))
(append: ?SideBar)[testo di test]

:: Normal
Sidebar will be the default blue

:: Special
(change: ?Sidebar, (bg:#c53932))
Sidebar default colour is overridden.

2: The “CSS” way, using a CSS Variable

The following uses a CSS variable to store the colour to use for the background colour of the “Sidebar” area, and the Harlowe (css:) macro to temporarily alter that CSS variable’s value.

note: again for simplicity I have left out most of your own CSS Rules.

:: StoryStylesheet
:root {
  --bg-color: blue;

tw-sidebar {
	/* your layout property assignments */
	position: fixed;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 15%; /* padding-right of the tw-story element. */
	max-height: 100%;
	margin-top: 5%; /* padding-top of the tw-story element. */
	padding: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;
	text-align: left;
	/* makes use of the CSS variable defined earlier */
	background-color: var(--bg-color);

:: Update Sidebar [header]
(append: ?SideBar)[testo di test]

:: Normal
Sidebar will be the default blue

:: Special
(change: ?Sidebar, (css: "--bg-color: #c53932;"))
Sidebar default colour is overridden.

Note: The (enchant:) macro monitors the page’s HTML structure, and the macro automatically re-applies its effect each time that structure changes. For this reason it is generally recommended to use the (change:) macro instead, unless you’re dynamically altering the structure / content of the page between Passage Transitions in reaction to the end-user’s interactions with the page.


the “Harlowe way” is perfect, and works as expected. Thanks !

EDIT: aside a flicker when activating link-reveals and like, but being a messing/fooling, isn’t a major issue…

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.