Daemon and Fuse manager "module"

Hi TADS users! I have shared this code on the forum before, but it was several years ago and there have been many new TADS authors since then.
Fuses and Daemons can be incredibly functional/useful, but they can also be a little unwieldy to handle. I created some classes to make the use of these Events pretty painless and flexible.
I believe the class code is library-agnostic, but some of the example code I posted may use adv3-specific methods. Lite users will probably be able to spot the differences they need to make in the example code…
Hope it can help someone!
Sharing a ResettableEvent class for TADS 3


the only adv3-specific method (actually a class) i can found with a quick look, then and now, is the usage of BasicLocation and OutdoorRoom (the latter implemented in roomparts.h) in the definitions of UnderwaterLoc and WaterSurface, respectively; Besides, I noticed that you avoided the main difference between the two libraries, namely the vocabword syntax.

I think the module deserves to be reorganised, zipped/tarballed and uploades in its proper place, that is, Index: if-archive/programming/tads3/library/contributions

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.


I’ll try to remember to do that once I get the Prince Quisborne post-comp done…

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a thing whose deserve priority. No haste for the extension.

on both… your sharing of interesting routines, modifies & snippets from Quisborne is rather commendable, but I feel that commenting that collection will improve its reusability & inspirational for people less versed in TADS & its library (and your shorthand macros… :wink: )

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.