Crocodracula: The Beginning Invisiclues Hints

In general:

  • Talk to Zoe to figure out your next objective. (She may ask you to talk to someone else.)
  • You can’t travel far until you liberate your bike.
  • Help everybody in town.

Map, including some spoilers, but not enough to ruin the game:


What’s my objective?

  1. Talk to Zoe to find your objectives.

  2. Liberate your bicycle. See “How do I liberate my bicycle?”

  3. Ride your bike to Miss Muriel’s house and talk to her.

  4. Get the airboat. See “How do I get the airboat?”

  5. Find Crocodracula. See “How do I find Chocodracula?” (Once you find Crocodracula, talk to him for objectives, instead of Zoe.)

  6. Help Eddie with his language problem. See “How do I help Eddie Lee?”

  7. Read the book in Miss Muriel’s house.

  8. Lindsay will give you the bug if you help her. See “How do I help Lindsay?”

  9. After you give Hunky to Lindsay, there’s only one thing left to do. See “What should I do when “there’s only one thing left to do?””

How do I liberate my bicycle?

  1. Mr. Sarducci has it. From the starting room, GO INSIDE. GO WEST. TALK TO SARDUCCI.

  2. Return to the starting room and TALK TO ZOE.

  3. You need to help your brother Drew. He’s at home. GO EAST. GO INSIDE. TALK TO DREW.

  4. You’ll need to find his guitar pick. (See “Where is Drew’s guitar pick?”)





How do I help Miss Lipton?

  1. You can’t do this until you’ve found Crocodracula. (See “How do I find Crocodracula?”)

  2. You can’t do this until you’ve helped Eddie Lee for a second time. (See “How do I help Eddie Lee?”)

  3. You’ll need to find her something else to listen to.

  4. Go to the Studio.

  5. Take the cassette tape in the Studio and give it to Miss Lipton.

How do I help the sheriff?

  1. You can’t do this until you’ve helped Miss Lipton. (See “How do I help Miss Lipton?”)

  2. Unlock the door in the school Basement with the janitor’s key from Miss Lipton’s desk, and find the way out of the Tunnels. (See “How do I find the way out of the Tunnels?”)

  3. The Tunnels deliver you to another Basement, in the spooky house. There’s something in the house that the sheriff wants.

  4. Get the puzzles in the “Room” upstairs from the Basement, and give them to the sheriff.

How do I help Mrs. Idlewyld?

  1. First you’ll need to help J.M., at the top of the water tower. (See “Where can I find a sword?”)

  2. When you give J.M. the sword, he’ll give you Mrs. Idlewyld’s flute. Give her the flute.

Where can I find a sword for J.M.?

  1. First you’ll need the airboat. (See “How do I get the airboat?”)

  2. Once you’ve turned on the airboat, GO SOUTH. GO SOUTH.

  3. GO INSIDE the Sunken Castle, then GO UP to the Lookout Tower. The sword is there.

How do I help Eddie Lee?

  1. You help Eddie twice. You help him once right after you talk to Miss Muriel, to get an airboat. (See “How do I get an airboat?”) then you help him again later.

  2. You can’t help him the second time until you find Crocodracula. (See “How do I find Crocodracula?”)

  3. Crocodracula gave you an amulet that you can use to help him.

  4. Give the amulet to Eddie.

How do I help Kyle?

  1. First you’ll have to help Mrs. Idlewyld. (See “How do I help Mrs. Idlewyld?”)

  2. Kyle wants something for his car.

  3. You can get it from Hank at the Salvage Yard.

  4. Hank is too sleepy.

  5. Give Hank the tea that Mrs. Idlewyld gave you.

  6. Give Kyle the catalytic converter that Hank gave you.

How do I help Lindsay?

  1. You can’t do this until you’ve found Crocodracula. (See “How do I find Crocodracula?”)

  2. Go to Miss Muriel’s house.

  3. Read the big book in her house.

  4. Talk to Lindsay. She wants you to find Hunky the Monkey. (See “How I find Hunky the Monkey?”)

  5. You’ll have to give it to her in a way that won’t make her cry. (See “How do I avoid making my sister cry?”)

How do I get the key on Miss Lipton’s desk?

  1. You can take it when you help Miss Lipton. (See “How do I help Miss Lipton?”)

Where is Drew’s guitar pick?

  1. It’s in your house.

  2. It’s upstairs in your room.


How do I get the airboat?

  1. You can’t do this until you’ve talked to Miss Muriel.

  2. Talk to Zoe.

  3. Talk to Eddie.

  4. Talk to Zoe again, and give the retraction to Eddie.

  5. Go to the Boathouse and take the key.


How do I find Crocodracula?

  1. First you’ll need the airboat. (See “How do I get the airboat?”)

  2. Once you’ve turned on the airboat, GO SOUTH. GO SOUTH.

  3. GO INSIDE the Sunken Castle, then GO DOWN to the Crypt.

  4. Now you need to open the sarcophagus. (See “How do I open the sarcophagus?”)

How do I open the sarcophagus?

  1. Talk to Zoe. (If the game says to “do some more sneaking around,” keep exploring town, then talk to Zoe again.)

  2. Specifically, you need to talk to Zoe after you’ve tried going in the Radio station.

  3. The item you need to open the sarcophagus is in the radio station, but first you need a light source. (See “Where can I find a light source?”)

  4. Enter the radio station with a light source, turn it on, take the crowbar there, return to the crypt, and open the sarcophagus.

How do I open the door in the Crypt?

  1. You can’t.

Where can I find a light source?

  1. First you’ll have to help Mrs. Idlewyld. (See “How do I help Mrs. Idlewyld?”)

  2. The light source is near the start of the game.

  3. Talk to Jocelyn in the Hallway at school.

  4. Examine Jocelyn.

  5. Examine the trophy case.

  6. Jocelyn has a crush on Kyle. She’ll give you her star ball if you give her something from Kyle. (See “How do I help Kyle?”)

  7. Give Kyle the catalytic converter that Hank gave you, then give Jocelyn the towel he gave you.

What do I do with this cassette tape?

  1. Someone in town listens to tapes.

  2. Miss Lipton in school is listening to a relaxation tape.

  3. Give the cassette tape to Miss Lipton.

How do I find the way out of the Tunnels?

  1. The tunnels change every time you GO WEST from the school basement, but you can always GO EAST again to return to the school Basement.

  2. If you enter the wrong key (“Authentication failed”), there is no way through the Tunnel maze. See “How do I find the registration key?” and “I believe I have the right registration key, but it’s not working. What should I do?”

  3. If you enter the correct registration key (“Authentication successful”), you can just wander the tunnels to find a way out.

How do I find the registration key?
(I suppose this is technically a bug, but finding the key is an enjoyable enough puzzle in its own right that I’ll document the process here.)

  1. You’ll need to consult the feelies that Ryan provided with the game. There’s a PDF document explaining how to crack the registration key. Note that the registration key changes each time you restart the game.

  2. First six digits

    1. The first six digits are documented directly in the PDF as 848275. (Beware that in an earlier edition of the PDF, the wrong code was published, 848675. 848275 is accurate.)

  3. Seventh digit

    1. Examine the wanted posters in the Sheriff’s office.

    2. Each poster corresponds to a list of digits in the PDF.

    3. Find the digit that matches all three number lists.

  4. Eighth digit

    1. Go to the Sunken Castle where Crocodracula lives.

    2. Examine the tapestry there.

    3. You don’t have to do any math; just look up the symbols on the table, and use the digit displayed there.

  5. Ninth digit

    1. Go to the Thrift Store and examine the shelves repeatedly.

    2. Find the digit that matches all number lists.

  6. Tenth digit

    1. Go to the Boathouse (the airboat rental shop)

    2. Examine the fish there.

  7. Eleventh digit

    1. Go to the outside of Miss Muriel’s cabin and use the WAIT command repeatedly.

    2. Count the number of times the chimes jangle; that’s the correct digit. (Despite the example in the PDF, it could be literally any number.)

  8. Twelvth digit

    1. Go to Miss Lipton’s classroom and examine the blackboard.

    2. Subtract 102 from the first number, so 102 = 0; 109 = 7.

  9. Thirteenth digit

    1. Go to Zoe and EXAMINE THE HAT.

    2. Look up that letter in the table in the PDF.

  10. Fourteenth digit

    1. Review the diagram in the PDF.

    2. Go to the Radio Station and SET THE DIAL TO 3.

    3. Set the dial to the next number, following the table. You can always set the radio to whatever you need and look it up in the PDF.

  11. Fifteenth digit

    1. Notice the school’s sign in the starting room.

    2. Look up the slogan in the PDF. (Watch out for punctuation!!!)

  12. Sixteenth digit

    1. Go to Outside Thrift Store and notice the mannequin in the room description there.

    2. Go to the Water Tower and return to the mannequin to notice its change in behavior.

    3. Look up the two behaviors in the diagram in your manual.

  13. Seventeeth digit

    1. This digit doesn’t change each time you play.

    2. Go to Miss Lipton’s Classroom and take Calvin.

    3. Since you can carry Calvin around, this digit is less than 4.

    4. Check the products order form on Ryan’s website.

    5. “Simply send in this page with the password filled out, along with $15.00 to claim your prize”

    6. The seventeenth digit is always 3.

I believe I have the right registration key, but it’s not working. What should I do?

  1. You can always keep trying keys. GO WEST from the school Basement, paste in a number, and if it says “Authentication Failed” you’ve got the wrong key. GO EAST and GO WEST to try again. If it says “Authentication Successful” you’ve got the correct key.

  2. In the clues above, double check that you’ve managed the seventeeth digit correctly.

  3. Still stuck? Try restarting the game. This will generate a new registration key; if you miscounted something, you might have better luck with a different key.

What should I do with the puzzle book?

  1. Talk to Crocodracula.

  2. Give the puzzles to a lover of puzzles.

  3. Give the puzzles to the sheriff.

What should I do in the Attic of the spooky house?

  1. There’s nothing you can do here.

How do I find Hunky the Monkey?

  1. You can’t do this until you’ve helped the sheriff. (See “How do I help the sheriff?”)

  2. When you help the sheriff, he’ll give you Hunky out of his collection in Lost and Found.

How do I avoid making my sister cry?

  1. Hunky has taken too much damage. You’ll need to fix Hunky before you give it to Lindsay.

  2. No person in town can fix Hunky.

  3. You’ll need to use an object to fix Hunky.

  4. Reread what the sheriff said when you gave him the puzzles.

  5. “That little guy turned up after the big storm last week.”

  6. The damage to Hunky was pretty recent.

  7. The damage was less than three weeks ago.

  8. The cabinet in the Thrift Store can fix damage within the past three weeks. PUT HUNKY IN THE CABINET in the Thrift Store, then give Hunky to Lindsay.

What should I do when “there’s only one thing left to do?”

  1. Remember what Muriel’s book said?


How do I solve the sheriff’s crossword puzzles?

  1. There are fifteen words to guess. You’ll find these words written in bold all over the game. You’ll almost certainly encounter ten of them in the course of playing the game from beginning to end. Five of them only appear when you examine something in the game. (In some cases you’ll need to remove the last letter from the word you find, e.g. converting a plural noun to singular.)

  2. “mosey”

    • You’ll find this word when you meet Lindsay for the first time at the start of the game.

    • “amble”

  3. “compel by force”

    • You’ll find this word when you talk to Mr. Sarducci (before returning the assignment).

    • “coerce”

  4. “fetters”

    • You’ll find this word when you unlock your bike.

    • “manacles”

  5. “mixture or falsehood”

    • You’ll find this word when you enter Miss Muriel’s Workshop.

    • “concoction”

  6. “slander, in print”

    • This one requires examining an inventory item.

    • You’ll find this word when you examine Eddie’s retraction.

    • “libel”

  7. “very cold”

    • This one requires examining an object in the description of a location.

    • The object makes things cold.

    • You’ll find this word when you examine the AC in the Boathouse.

    • “frigid”

  8. “wear away”

    • This one requires examining an object in the description of a location.

    • It’s something very old, and very big.

    • You’ll find this word when you examine the Sunken Castle from the outside.

    • “erode”

  9. “climb”

    • You’ll find this word when you go up to the Top of the Water Tower.

    • “ascent”

  10. “foil, as a foe”

    • You’ll find this word when you give the towel to Jocelyn.

    • “thwart”

  11. “burden (with)”

    • You’ll find this word when you open the sarcophagus.

    • “afflict”

  12. “hooved mythic reveler”

    • You’ll find this word when you enter the Studio.

    • “faun”

  13. “modest or demure”

    • This one requires examining one of the characters in the game.

    • It’s someone who doesn’t get out much.

    • You’ll find this word when you examine Eric in the Tunnels.

    • “unassuming”

  14. “bits and pieces”

    • You’ll find this word when you give the puzzle book to the sheriff.

    • “oddments”

  15. “unnaturally yellow”

    • This one requires examining an object in the description of a location.

    • The word “yellowed” appears in the location description.

    • You’ll find this word when you examine the mannequin outside the thrift store.

    • “jaundiced”

  16. “corpselike”

    • You’ll find this word when you enter the Thrift Store.

    • “cadaverous”


I could have sworn that 6 was crossed out and replaced with a 2 on the original paper. Harrison must have thought it was a stray mark, and airbrushed it out in an attempt to “restore” the document.

I will be sure to correct this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.


THAT’S WEIRD. Now I’m looking at the pdf and there’s a 2 there exactly where there should be a 2!

Life sure is crazy!!!