Creating new Action - Dragging

I attempting to create a new action ‘Dragging’ which uses a thing and a direction.

I can create it with just a thing which works fine. Dragging is an action applying to one visible thing
When I try with a thing and a direction I keep getting an error.

[code]Dragging is an action applying to one visible thing and one direction.

Understand “drag [something]” as dragging.[/code]

The error is:‘Dragging is an action applying to one visible thing and one direction’ : but an action can only apply to things or to kinds of value’

What am I missing?

See section 12.7 in the manual ( In particular:

So this should work (briefly tested):Dragging is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "drag [something] [direction]" as dragging.


You can also write “Dragging is an action applying to one thing and one visible thing,” as in the pushing it to action.

In fact you could just make use of the pushing-it-to action, and have “drag” be a synonym for that.

Thanks. That worked.

I was using the format provide in Aarin Reed’s book Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform7.

For some reason that format did not want to work.

Thanks again.