Cover Art for IFComp

I think your blurb can’t help but be awesome-- you’ve got such a killer story.

Yeah, the cover art is also problematic. I actually am a card-carrying artist (that’s my day job), but I have never done anything using a computer. I’ve never even resized anything without Canva’s help. And while I draw and paint a little bit, that’s not what I do, so yeah, difficult. I cobbled some cover art together but can’t get the sizing right (you can see only a corner of it in spatterlight right now).
I have really liked a lot of cover art that is collaged of old art (Savoir-faire comes to mind). There has to be a wealth of that for Arthurian stories. Or is that too played-out for you?

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I’ve used this a lot to resize and throw layers together:

Also a few art resources in our link list - it’s a wiki and should be editable by regular users if anyone wants to update:

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Pixlr looks like a very nice resource. I primarily use Gimp with its steep learning curve. Maybe this will be better?


Try this. A bit like photoshop in a browser!

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