I’m curious to see what the community’s awareness of TADS is.
Length: 28 questions
These three starter questions are for everyone.
For reference: TADS 3 games are typically parser games, and their game files end in a *.t3
extension. For this survey, “TADS” refers to TADS 3.
(For any TADS authors out there: This survey is also assuming full HTML TADS functionality being available to a hypothetical game.)
Do you know that TADS games exist? (Before seeing this survey)
- Yes
- No
Have you played a TADS game before?
- Yes
- No
- I have not played any parser games
Have you authored a TADS game before? (Including unfinished games)
- Yes
- No
- I have not authored any parser games
- I have not authored any IF
These questions are for anyone who has played a TADS game before.
You do not need to be an IF author for this part of the survey. If you have not played a TADS game before, but have authored a parser IF game (or have worked on an unfinished one), then please skip to the survey questions for authors.
Did you know that TADS games can have images?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have multiple, fully-customized UI panes?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have basic animation within a UI pane?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have colorful text?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have centered text?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have monospaced
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have simultaneous music and sound effects (with simultaneous channels for foreground, looping background, and sporadic background sounds)?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have clickable hyperlinks?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have clickable text that functions as buttons for in-game actions?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that autocorrect is not a part the TADS interpreter, but is actually a part of the game?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that the UNDO command reporting the name of action that was undone is not a part of the TADS interpreter, but is actually a part of the game?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can have stylized borders?
- Yes
- No
Which interpreters do you usually tend to play TADS games in? (Select any that apply)
- Parchment (web browser)
- Lectrote
- Gargoyle
- HTML TADS for Windows
- Fabularium
- Other
The following questions are for people who author IF (using any system, and not just TADS).
Did you know that TADS games can create clones of objects before and during play?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can perform full procedural generation?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can be “baked”, allowing you to run instructions in your game before the final game file is created?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can contain embedded multimedia files, without the need to ship the files alongside the game?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can read and write files within the game file’s directory, for a wide array of file types, including custom binary formats?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that even the main execution loop of a TADS game can be completely modified?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can use a parser algorithm designed by the author?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that the save, restore, undo, and other core interpreter functions can be completely customized in TADS?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games typically use the traditional world model of objects, rooms, and directional connections because it comes standard in its default libraries, and that TADS games could also have literally anything for a world model instead?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can procedurally generate and run code during play, including code supplied by the player (if the player is allowed the opportunity)?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that variables in TADS can be made exempt from undo, save, and restore, allowing them to remain unchanged despite these commands?
- Yes
- No
Did you know that TADS games can support patch files, allowing for game updates without invalidating save files between versions?
- Yes
- No
Thank you for your time!