CHASE THE SUN postmortem (but also congratulations!)

Hi! I’ve been lurking in the forums while I played the other games featured in IFComp and saw that some people were making fun little postmortem threads so I thought I’d hop on that fun train!!

Thank you so much for playing my game!! This is my first ever interactive fiction competition and, in fact, the first game I’ve written since college. CHASE THE SUN is a small section of a concept I’ve been playfully scratching at since 2017 — I was inspired by a pathetically normal drive through my home town that was made a little extraordinary by the weather. I could see the sun right in front of me, but all behind me and on either side of my vehicle the sky was black with rain. I thought: “wouldn’t that be an interesting book idea, chasing after the sun to escape a crazy storm?” And here we are LOL.

I plan to do more with the concept — God knows how many ideas I scrapped to be able to meet the deadline for the workshop that pushed most of us Texture writers to apply (thanks and love ya Jim!!) — but right now I am just so happy that so many people enjoyed my little thoughts and prose. Thank you again, you’ve relit a fire I thought died when I graduated out of my creative writing program :). I live for criticism ngl.

Beyond my game, I want to spread congratulations to every dev who participated in this competition! Everyone created such beautiful brain children— and playing through each one was an intoxicating blast of inspiration and joy.

I’m excited to hopefully remain in this community and develop more stories. Thank you all for the kind reviews, amazing games, and just the general sense of connection this forum especially has created.


Yay Frankie! :clap::heart: Congrats (again haha) and it was so nice to go through that workshop with all of you and to see how things turned out. Echoing what you said in my thread, here’s to many more years of writing and creativity and fun :blush::tada: