Changing text on a hook after clicking somewhere else

Twine 2, Harlowe

I’m trying to have two clickable options, a “wrong” choice and a “right” choice that will lead to the next passage. I would like for the text on option 1 to be replaced by a new sentence and I have (link:) and a hook, which is working as intended. For option 2, I’d like the text on the hook to change slightly when the first one is clicked but still work as a hook to the next passage.

This is what it looks so far:

(link: "Follow her quickly")["Look where you're going!" She reproaches, long golden eyebrows drawing into a frown. "Are you even paying attention to where you're going"]

[[Approach carefully]]

I want the “approach carefully” option to change into “appologize and approach carefully” if the player clicks the first link.

I am not sure how to achieve this. Any suggestions?

a little clarification:
1: A Hook is what you are associating with your (link:) macro call.
eg. the open [ and close ] square brackets that contain the content associated with the macro.
2: A Markup based Link is what you are using to transition to the Approach carefully passage.
eg. the [[Approach carefully]] in your example.

You could wrap the Mark based Link within a Named Hook, and then use a (replace:) macro call within the Hook associated with your (link:) to replace the current Markup based Link with the alternative.

(link: "Follow her quickly")[{
	"Look where you're going!" She reproaches, long golden eyebrows drawing into a frown. "Are you even paying attention to where you're going"
	(replace: ?correct)[ [[Appologize and approach carefully]]]

|correct>[ [[Approach carefully]]]
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I just started using Twine yesterday so I’m still learning all the terms… I’m sorry for getting wrong but your answer was extremely helpful! Thank you so much!!