Twine Version:
Hi. I’ve been trying to change my passages font type, but I can’t manage to add new fonts from Googlefonts. I can change the font outside the passages (UIbar), but inside the passage it only change when I select default fonts (Arial, TNR).
Here is my CSS:
Same as with souppilouliouma, the font changes.
Is there maybe another code before this one (like something not coded properly) or down the line (either another .passage {} or in the passage itself) that could affect this?
Do you have an extension on your computer than changes the font/formatting of the page you’re visiting?
I think you mean border here.
The margin is something different… (it puts a space next to the element, like a margin on a page).
(also the font family should be coded: font-family: 'Rowdies', sans-serif;)