Can I move posts from one thread to another and keep likes? [likes are supposed to serve as votes in this special case]

In connection with the new award event Mathbrush is introducing, I would like to ask if I could move a post from one thread to another and keep the likes? (I misplaced it accidentally)

It is because the likes are used to determine which categories are used. I want to move the thread below to the nomination category. Thanks!


Yes, you can. If you have access to re-categorize threads (from the pencil icon next to the title on the original post), you are essentially just changing the topic-header. I just moved this thread from Site Feedback to General and it retained the two likes it had.

If you do it a different way (copy/paste, quote text) where you’re pulling text out from its original header, it won’t retain thread information.


Do I need a special badge for that? I was away for some months I think and I can only find that pencil symbol on threads I started myself.

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I’ve bumped you a level to Regular so you should now have the option. Be aware if you take a Forum vacation your stats will slide you back to Member, but there is a grace period.

Try it if you want - click the pencil all the way at the top next to the title of the original post and choose to move this topic back to the Feedback category.


Thanks! However, I moved the entire thread. What if I only want to move one post (my own)?

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Unfortunately moving posts piecemeal is a Moderator and above option only. Is it just certain messages? Point me to to them and tell me where they go. (I have about 15 min before work, so be patient if I don’t get this till later! :slight_smile: )

Also…I think when you start tearing threads apart is when your likes and clicked link data might go away or get screwy, so this may be going around the world to reach our backyard…I imagine the likes will stay with it.

Could you screen shot your posts or bookmark them?


Ahh - okay, then it is probably better that I just do something like a screenshot or similar. I need to keep the likes for this to make sense. Anyway, I learned something :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t remember what level, but you might be able to build a poll from the gear Icon that might be a better way to have people vote rather than track likes. Might be too after-the-fact, but I believe that option is open to you.


Good to know for the future - thanks!

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