Ok, as with others, I have some feedback, more criticism for the game, so I will post it here instead to go for a proper review… because I liked the game, although I could not finish it because… you know, I was playing on mobile and the has no savegame. That is a huge problem.
Ok, the main criticism I have is that I find that the PC has some lack on motivation for remaining in the Motel. You know the other girls has some hooks to stay in the the motel, but the main character… Maybe the hook for her is Dean?, or the place as is?, or the changing cactus sign? I don’t know, but she/us want to stay there from the beginning and I felt there’s no real purpose for that.
And I felt some lack of motivation too for some questions or actions of the PC. This is complicated, but… look at this
[code]So what brings you out into this middle of nowhere, Miss Maria?" he asked.
Me and my friends are taking a road trip out to California.
…Just …travelling, you know?
Just trying to get away from Houston.[/code]
This has motivation. Those question are related to the “quest” and the recent history of the PC. I could feel related to them. But then, look at those:
[code]“I guess you still have questions?”
What’s up with the flower?
How did you end up here?
How long have you been here?
What do you think of the motel?
What do you think of the other guests?
No more questions.[/code]
You see? it feels as homework, as, “let’s put all the probable topics any plausible player in the world would ask at any moment in the game.” Maybe some pacing in those, more internal intelligent to throw those to the player instead of all at the same time… I don’t know. Probably I’m nit-picking because… IT IS CACTUS BLUE FUCKING MOTEL BRO!!!
That is, I like the game a lot as anybody, but have to give those feedback.