C. Everett's Problems/Questions (1 PROBLEM+0 QUESTION)

Nah, as I recall the problems were with fairly innocuous definitions in a variety of different contexts, but I’ve been sticking to favoring “to decide” rules for some time now and no longer remember the details.

Okay. For anyone who wants to try playing my game, it’s up.


My game is called “Terminal”. It shouldn’t be too hard to spot. It’s got one of the most straightforward icons there.

Have you considered uploading your game to the IF Archive? Probably due to my stubborn use of outdated software, I’m not able to get that webpage to work properly (I get to the part with all the icons for the various games, but clicking on any particular icon doesn’t do much for me).

That depends. I already know that I can’t get it removed from the archive after I’ve submitted (right? I think I read that somewhere else in the forums here), but can I “update” it afterward? 'Cause I’ve already made two updates to my game, and expect to make more, and I wouldn’t want to have a non-up-to-date version in the Archive that I can’t change.

Yes you can submit updates to the archive. Using new revision numbers is nice when you do that (but wouldn’t be needed for the comp now.)

As Dannii said, yes, you can submit updates to the Archive. However, if you’re updating your game a lot at the moment, it might be a good idea to wait until it’s more stable before you submit it - to save the Archive maintainers some work.