Brainstorming puzzles for my WIP Green Elephant

"Mummy, why is the zookeeper spraying low-carb marinara sauce at that majestic cluster of exotic ivory-plumèd waterfowl? "


So… any idea when this is coming out?

I am aiming for ParserComp 2023. This is what got the ball rolling for me:

Silly as the idea sounded, I wanted to make a parser game involving animals and colors, and this seemed just the thing I was looking for. I should thank @parsercommander for providing the seed.

Since it is my first game in Inform7 I also want to make sure it will be properly tested, that will take time as well. I will probably call upon the community for kind souls to beta test the game in a month or so.


“Parser Commander, inspiring people since 2023”


It even whitens your teeth.