Better to use on web or computer? whats diff? doesnt say anywhere

better to use on web or computer? whats diff? doesnt say anywhere

Your question was already answered a few times where you asked on Reddit.

Personally, I prefer the offline installed version of Twine. Unlike the online version, it backs the files up locally, which should help if you screw something up.

Additionally, if you use the online version and your browser’s local storage gets cleared, then you’ll lose any data you don’t have backed up. You don’t have to worry about that happening with the offline version.

And finally, with the offline version you know it’s going to work as expected, and you don’t have to worry about the quirks of particular browsers or browser extensions.

On a somewhat related point of preferences in Twine, I’d highly recommend using the SugarCube story format, as it’s the most flexible, has the most built-in tools, and is one of the two most commonly used Twine formats, so there’s lots of sample code.

Hope that help! :smiley:


‘backs the files up locally’
doesnt online version also have a backup?

‘your browser’s local storage gets cleared’
why and how could that happen?

‘as expected’
web version doesnt work as as expected?

’ using the SugarCube story format, as it’s the most flexible, has the most built-in tools, and is one of the two most commonly used Twine formats,’

guess we’ll use that
dont know what that is but guess ill ifind out later on

these arent really questions:
why hasnt any of the twine ppl put the info on the dl site yet?
it’s 2020, and im guessing twine wasnt made in 2020?
what do you mean ‘was’? it was asked here first

does twine have a support site where ppl can send the feedback of making the dl site better?

like how could they not have any basic info on the diff???

You can make suggestions at the repo by opening an issue.

We honestly don’t get all that many questions about whether they web or hybrid version should be used, so it’s likely that the reason such information was not added to the webpage is simply because it hasn’t been asked for and didn’t seem necessary. It’s not like you’re locked in, you can switch between the web and hybrid apps easily, so if you find you don’t like one or the other for any reason, you can try the other easily, just archive or publish your project(s) and import it into the other version.

I’m not gonna tell you how to feel or how to approach this, but honestly your attitude sucks. I recognize that it may just be the tone I’m reading into it, and not your intention, though. Point is, this isn’t some sort of negligence issue. And packing a webpage with tons of upfront information often turns people off because it gives the sense that something is more complicated than it is. I think a link somewhere on the page that explains the technical differences, and one that can be linked to to answer future questions like this is a great idea though, and I’m sure it’s one that simply hasn’t been thought of yet.

Also, note that it doesn’t matter where the question was asked first, it was answered first on the subreddit, hence the “was”. You also don’t generally need to ask in both places as there is a decent amount of crossover anyway, you’ll typically see a lot of the same people in either place.


Nope. It’s only stored in the browser’s “local storage”. Hence why I like the downloaded version better.

Some browsers automatically clear their local storage after a certain period of time. If you tell your browser to clear your cookies then it may also clear out local storage. Also, some “cleaner” utilities will clear it.

It should. However, every browser has its own somewhat unique ways of implementing (or not implementing) certain features. This may cause unexpected behavior in some browsers. While the code should hopefully mitigate those kinds of problems, browsers are always changing, so something that used to work may not work in a new browser release. The downloaded version pretty much avoids that problem.

Twine is the editor. However, for your game/story, you need to choose a story format. The story format determines what kind of code you’ll need to use within your story if you want to do anything more than the basics.

Harlowe is (unfortunately, IMO) the default story format. If you want to use SugarCube, then you’ll need to either set that as your default story format (on the main Twine page click the “Formats” button on the right) before creating your story, or you can change it in the story window (from the bottom menu select “Change Story Format”).

You can find links to the SugarCube v2 documentation and other SugarCube-related information at the main SugarCube site here.

What info? If you’re talking about the info we’ve given here, for most people the differences aren’t even noticeable.

Twine has been around in one form or another since 2009, and is still being updated. See the Twine Wikipedia article.

Right, but it was answered there first.

Already answered this in your other question post.

The main difference has been that one is online and the other isn’t. There really hasn’t been much need to differentiate them until very recently, when Apple decided to put time limits on data stored in “local storage”. At that point the author put up a couple of warnings about it until he found a workaround.

So, since the “diff” was largely obvious for most of the time, there really hasn’t been much need to elaborate any further.

Make sense? :smiley:

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When I use the Twine 2.x application at all I split the difference and use the downloadable copy of the web-browser release, which is available in the releases area of the project’s GitHub repository.
eg. the ZIP file with web in its file-name. I don’t have a copy of the install-able release installed.

And I use the application’s Archive option to backup the test projects I create for answering other people’s questions that require using that application.

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