Beta testers needed for IF Comp game: Miss Duckworthy's School for Magic-Infested Young People

Hello! As per tradition, I am frantically looking for beta testers for a fairly long (2ish hours playtime maybe?) choice-based game that OF COURSE I wrote at the last minute.

This one has four completely different opening chapters so that’s fun. Probably.

At the time of writing this, there will be at least 2 final chapters but only 1 is (nearly) finished, so certain options near the end will be greyed out until they’re ready.

Many words (I write novels and it shows)

Looking for: probably lots of continuity errors as this has a lot of boolean stats.

Blurb and warnings:
The thing about being seventeen years old and newly infested with magic is that you are no longer a child to be protected, but a problem to be solved.

There’s a solid chance you’ll get shot or stabbed or magically disintegrated, but you definitely won’t get in trouble for hanging with a bad crowd. You are the bad crowd, now and forever, no matter what you do next.

Sure, a lot of people want you exterminated, but that’s true of most teenagers anyway. And like all toxins, you have your uses to the right kinds of people.

If you survive.

*warnings: it is implied that a minor character has attempted to sexually assault at least one person in the past, and they attempt to see another character’s breasts during the story (but they don’t succeed).
*some choices allow the player character to attempt to neglect an animal. The animal is never adversely affected.
*some violence, including options for the player character to fight other characters.


oh, and light swearing… but only if you choose to be the Australian character.

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the other final chapter is done now :slight_smile:

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