Beginner's Guide to Styling Inform Releases with Bisquixe

Bisquixe is an Inform extension and interpreter that can easily style the colors and fonts of Inform games in the Glulx format released with a website. It was created by Brian Rushton (@mathbrush). The interpreter is extended from Quixe by Andrew Plotkin (@zarf).

Part I - Guide

  1. Setup
  2. Formatting basics
  3. Three areas of text
  4. Status line colors
  5. Main game colors
  6. Input colors
  7. Fonts for the status line and main game
  8. Custom styles for individual words and phrases
  9. Fully modifying the status line
  10. A one-column template
  11. Releasing your Bisquixe game
  12. Conclusion

Part II - Cookbook
13. Styling room headers
14. Gradients and background images
15. Hide the scrollbar
16. Hide the status line
17. Increase the padding around the game text
18. Retro computer theme
19. AGT colors
20. Text messaging theme
21. Game in a bubble (TV theme)
22. Additional documentation and further Bisquixe capabilities
23. Usage and guide version

Part I - Guide

1. Setup

To get started with Bisquixe, download it from its Github page. There are two parts: Bisquixe (the interpreter) and the Simple Multimedia Effects extension. You’ll need both. (Choose the correct extension for your version of Inform. This guide will use Inform 10 and assume we’re developing for a desktop website.)

To install the extension, choose File → Install Extension from Inform’s main menu. Bisquixe requires the Glulx Entry Points extension by Emily Short. It should automatically be installed in Inform 10.

To install Bisquixe, copy the Bisquixe folder into the Templates folder of Inform. (On a Mac, this may be ~/Library/Inform/Templates. In Windows, it may be \Documents\Inform\Templates). Alternatively, you can copy it into a Templates folder you create in the .materials folder of the project in which you plan on using Bisquixe.

Once you have everything installed, to use Bisquixe in a project, you’ll need to include these two lines:

Release along with a "Bisquixe" interpreter.

Include Simple Multimedia Effects For V10 by Mathbrush.

Here’s some starter code we’ll use to develop our examples:

"Alien Invasion" by "Biscuit Quick"

Part - Setup

Release along with a "Bisquixe" interpreter.

Include Simple Multimedia Effects For V10 by Mathbrush.

Part - When play begins

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!"

Part - Lab

Lab is a room.  "You're in a high-tech lab."

The newspaper is in the lab.  The description of the newspaper is "The headline reads: ALIENS INVADE EARTH!".

Part - Containment Facility

Containment Facility is north of Lab.  "You're in a high-tech alien containment facility."

The alien is in the Containment Facility.  The description of the alien is "You can hear the alien say to you in your mind, 'We come to Earth in peace.'"

Try installing Bisquixe and then Releasing this example. Everything should compile, and you should see the Release subfolder in the .materials folder of your project. Open the Release folder, and then open the play.html file in a web browser. Nothing has happened yet beyond generating a standard Quixe website. Soon, we’ll be making that experience look much different through special commands in Inform!

An important note: these formatting changes will only apply to the website that’s generated. It is recommended practice for playability and accessibility purposes to also provide a download of the .gblorb game file for play in an offline interpreter.

2. Formatting basics

When releasing a project, Bisquixe automatically generates a website. We can change the look of the website through special commands in Inform using the Simple Multimedia Effects extension.

Modern web pages are styled through CSS (cascading style sheets). To change the styling of anything on a web page, we need to know three things: the element to change, its particular property to change, and the value to set the property to.

With Bisquixe, the most common command to style a webpage will be:

css-set-fast "[element]; [property]; [value]".

Most commonly, this command will be placed in a “When play begins:” block.

3. Three areas of text

The web page generated by Bisquixe has three main areas of text we can style. They are the status line at the top, the main game window, and then the inputs from the player. Each one has a CSS name that we’ll need to repeatedly use in order to style things correctly.

Area CSS Name(s)
Status line .GridWindow
Game area .BufferWindow
Player input .Input / .Input.LineInput / .Style_input

4. Status line colors

So let’s get started! We’ll begin by changing the background and text colors of the status line.

In the “When play begins” block of the starter code, add the following command (with appropriate indentation):

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; orange";

This command says we should change something in the status line (.GridWindow). We’re going to change the background color, and we’ll make that background orange.

Then, let’s change the text color, too. Add this command underneath the one you just added:

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; purple";

This time, we’re setting the “color” of the status line, which is shorthand for the text color. It will be purple.

So, your new “When play begins” block should look like this:

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; orange"; [make the status line background orange]
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; purple"; [make the status line text color purple]

Go ahead and Release this project. It should compile cleanly. Again open the play.html file (located in Alien Invasion.materials / Release) in a browser. It should look like this:

Looking great so far!

If your webpage doesn’t look like the above, be sure you’ve entered the above code correctly, including punctuation. You will not get an error message on the webpage if anything is wrong; the CSS code simply won’t do anything. In particular, be sure you’ve added the initial dot in “.GridWindow”. Be sure you have the hyphens in “css-set-fast”. Be sure the three elements in “.GridWindow; background; purple” are separated by semicolons, not commas. And be sure the quotation marks are located correctly.

In CSS, you can refer to colors in two ways. The first is to use a common name like “purple”. There are 140 total such color names including ununusal ones such as “PapayaWhip” and “CadetBlue”.

You can also use a hex code. Hex codes are six-digit codes (with digits running from 0-F) preceded by a pound sign. These codes allow for more nuanced color choices, and can be chosen through a color picker such as this one.

We’ll use #F3E8ED, a very light pink, in our next example.

5. Main game colors

Here we’ll change the background color and the text color of the main game area, which is referred to as “.BufferWindow”. Let’s use a light pink background (given as a hex code) with the text in blue.

Add this code to continue on with your “When play begins” block:

css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; #F3E8ED"; [hex code for light pink]
css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; color; blue"; [make the main game text color blue]

After Releasing, this is how your play.html should look now:


6. Input colors

Styling the player input is slightly more complicated. There are several elements we can adjust. First, let’s change the color of the text as the player types it in. That’s controlled by “.Input”. Let’s make it red. Continuing with our “When play begins” block, add:

css-set-fast ".Input; color; red"; [make the player input red]

You might notice that after submitting a command and hitting Enter, the command then turns another color. To set that color, we need “.Style_input”. Let’s try a dark green. To your code, add:

css-set-fast ".Style_input; color; darkgreen"; [make the submitted output dark green]

The total result should look like this:

Beautiful! The final “When play begins” code is:

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; orange"; [make the status line background orange]
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; purple"; [make the status line text color purple]
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; #F3E8ED"; [hex code for light pink]
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; color; blue"; [make the main game text color blue]
	css-set-fast ".Input; color; red"; [make the player input red]
	css-set-fast ".Style_input; color; darkgreen"; [make the submitted output dark green]

7. Fonts for the status line and main game

Fonts on the web work slightly differently than colors. One cannot assume that one user has the same fonts installed on their computer as another. In fact, there are relatively few fonts that are assumed to work across every operating system and every browser.

However, better typography is possible, and Bisquixe makes this possible through the use of Google Fonts. Google Fonts are hosted by Google and loaded into the browser as needed.

Extensive use of Google Fonts is beyond the scope of this guide. But, in brief: Choose a font. There may be multiple weights and versions. On a font’s page, click the “Select [this font]” link on the right side of the screen to add it to your bag. Then click on the bag in the upper right part of the screen. You should see a list of the fonts you’ve chosen. Importantly, in the “Use on the web” section of the sidebar, choose the @import option. That will provide a link that looks like the below. You’ll need some info from that link to paste into Inform.

@import url('');

Bisquixe offers a new command for handling Google fonts:

import-google-fonts "[list of fonts formatted by the @import url]";

To use this command, we only need the URL text after the first “family=” and before “&display=”

But first! Let’s think about designing our alien game slightly more attractively. Let’s give it a bit more of a cohesive, top-secret theme. That probably means some grays, and maybe a red “top-secret” color and font for the status bar.

Let’s start afresh with the base code. We’ll apply colors first. Remember that “.GridWindow” is the status line and “.BufferWindow” is the main game area. Replace the “When play begins” block with this:

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; black";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; darkred";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; lightgray";

We’re going to add three Google fonts to our game: a stencil font for our top-secret status bar (Allerta Stencil), a headline font (Bebas Neue), and a font for most of the game copy (Zilla Slab). The above @import statement lists those three fonts. To import them into our game, we need our new command. Add this to “When play begins”:

import-google-fonts "Allerta+Stencil&family=Bebas+Neue&family=Zilla+Slab";

(Note that this string has a maximum length of 64 characters. You should be able to import three multi-word fonts, or perhaps four fonts if their names are all short.)

And now let’s set some fonts! Here, we need to set the “font-family” property. We’ll change the status line to the stencil font, and the main game font to Zilla Slab. Notice that we can just type in the font names as words or phrases; we don’t need “family=” or the plus signs here. It is also considered best practice to give one or more fallback fonts in case your desired font does not load. Those come at the end of a list. To keep this simple, we’ll use “monospace” for the status line, “serif” for the game text, and “sans-serif” for a special headline font we’ll create later. Add this:

	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-family; Allerta Stencil, monospace";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";

Try it out! It should look like this:

I think both fonts are a little small. We’ll modify the status line further in a later section, but for now, let’s make the game text larger. We can use the “font-size” property:

css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; font-size; 20px";

We’ve increased the main text size to twenty pixels, and I think it reads a little more clearly. You can experiment with different numbers, but be sure there is no space between the number (“20”) and the abbreviation (“px”).

Most games have the font for the player input match the game’s main body font, so that’s what we’ll do here. We’ll have to set the font of the line where the player types slightly differently—we’ll use “.Input.LineInput”. We’ll also need to change that to a size of twenty pixels, as that’s how we’ve set the game’s primary font. Then we’ll also need to set the font that is used when the player presses Enter and the command becomes part of the transcript (again, we use “.Style_input” for that).

css-set-fast ".Input.LineInput; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";
css-set-fast ".Input.LineInput; font-size; 20px";
css-set-fast ".Style_input; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";

Release the project and test it out. The input should now match with the rest of the body text.

8. Custom styles for individual words and phrases

But perhaps you don’t wish to style all of the game’s text, or you would rather use stylings for certain events, such as displaying a newspaper headline or speaking with a certain character. That’s where custom styles are a nifty addition.

Once defined, custom styles can be used much like Inform’s built-in [italic type] and [bold type].

Let’s begin by having our newspaper use a unique font! You can name your custom style whatever you want; we’ll call ours “headline”. The element we’ll be styling will then be called “.Style_headline”. We’ll assign it a font (which we previously imported) and also make it bigger than normal.

css-set-fast ".Style_headline; font-family; Bebas Neue, sans-serif";
css-set-fast ".Style_headline; font-size; 30px";

Then, we’ll need to add some new code to give us access to our style. We need a new Bisquixe command: “set-any-class”. Put this as a new block in Part – Setup:

To say headline type:
	set-any-class "headline".

Now we can edit the newspaper headline to reflect our new style. We’ll use [headline type] to turn it on and [roman type] to turn it off.

The description of the newspaper is "The headline reads: [headline type]ALIENS INVADE EARTH![roman type]".

Try it out! Run the game, and X NEWSPAPER. You should see:

Ooh, I really like that. I think it works well, especially if we envision having a game with multiple news headlines.

Why don’t we make our alien a little more spacy, too. Let’s give our alien a weird green shadow around all of its thoughts. We call our style “.Style_alien” and we’ll use a new property called “text-shadow”:

css-set-fast ".Style_alien; text-shadow; 2px 2px 5px lightgreen";

The various "2px"s help define the spacing of the shadow in pixels.

We’ll need to add this in Part – Setup:

To say alien type:
	set-any-class "alien".

Then you can edit our alien’s thoughts to include our new “alien type”:

The description of the alien is "You can hear the alien say to you in your mind, '[alien type]We come to Earth in peace[roman type].'"

Try it out with N / X ALIEN. Spooky! And if we really want to be spooky, why don’t we use that style up in the status line as well. In our “When play begins” block, let’s edit the status line with our new style:

now the left hand status line is "[alien type][location of the player][roman type]";

Put it all together, and what have you got?

Beauty. That’s what you have, my friend: beauty.

Here’s the complete code for this formatting:

"Alien Invasion" by "Biscuit Quick"

Part - Setup

Release along with a "Bisquixe" interpreter.

Include Simple Multimedia Effects For V10 by Mathbrush.

To say headline type:
	set-any-class "headline".
To say alien type:
	set-any-class "alien".

Part - When play begins

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; black";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; darkred";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; lightgray";
	import-google-fonts "Allerta+Stencil&family=Bebas+Neue&family=Zilla+Slab";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-family; Allerta Stencil, monospace";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; font-size; 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Input.LineInput; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";
	css-set-fast ".Input.LineInput; font-size; 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input; font-family; Zilla Slab, serif";
	css-set-fast ".Style_headline; font-family; Bebas Neue, sans-serif";
	css-set-fast ".Style_headline; font-size; 30px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_alien; text-shadow; 2px 2px 5px lightgreen";
	now the left hand status line is "[alien type][location of the player][roman type]";

Part - Lab

Lab is a room.  "You're in a high-tech lab."

The newspaper is in the lab.  The description of the newspaper is "The headline reads: [headline type]ALIENS INVADE EARTH![roman type]".

Part - Containment Facility

Containment Facility is north of Lab.  "You're in a high-tech alien containment facility."

The alien is in the Containment Facility.  The description of the alien is "You can hear the alien say to you in your mind, '[alien type]We come to Earth in peace.[roman type]'"

9. Fully modifying the status line

The status line, by default, is pretty small, and font changes there might not be as noticeable. There are a few fun ways you can modify just the status line, leaving the rest of the game alone.

Let’s start over with the same base code, and here we’ll only focus on the status line. I wasn’t very sold on that stencil font, so we’ll pick a new, substantial one from Google Fonts called Russo One, import it, and add it to the status line. So, to “When play begins”, add:

import-google-fonts "Russo+One";
css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-family; Russo One, sans-serif";

If you Release the project and look at play.html, you should see the font in the status line. It looks appropriately futuristic. But let’s play into the spooky alien vibe, and make the font big and creepy green, and the background a very dark gray.

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-size; 40px";
css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; #0EDE25"; [hex code for ectoplasm green]
css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; #292929"; [hex code for dark gray]

Okay, if you test that, it looks like it could be cool, but the font is way too big! Rather than shrinking it to fit the status line, let’s enlarge the status line to fit the font. We need to do two things: we need to make the “height” of the status line larger, and we also need to move the top of the game text down a bit using “margin-top”. We’ll use seventy pixels for both.

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; height; 70px";
css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; margin-top; 70px";


But you know what would be even cooler? How about some awesome red borders around part of the status line? Here, we’ll adjust “border-left” and “border-bottom” (there are also “border-top” and “border-right”). You can play with the pixels (again keeping number and “px” together) and color if you’d like.

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; border-left; 5px solid red";
css-set-fast ".GridWindow; border-bottom; 10px solid darkred";

Wow. It’s like a sculptor chiseled that status bar into my brain. Or, if you’d prefer a rounder approach, you could try “border-radius”. Let’s create a uniform, rounded blue border. You can keep the previous code.

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; border; 5px solid blue"; [this will overwrite the previous borders]
css-set-fast ".GridWindow; border-radius; 10px";

10. A one-column template

By default, Bisquixe releases with a cover image and a bit of informational text on the left-hand side of the screen. Perhaps you’d prefer the screen layout to be a single column that’s just the game.

Let’s return to our base code. We’re going to hide a few of the left-hand elements (namely “.coverimage” and “.links”, which should be somewhat self-explanatory), and then center the remaining game. The whole game lives in “#gameport”. We’ll adjust its “left” and “right” locations.

To “When play begins”, add:

css-set-fast ".coverimage; display; none";
css-set-fast ".links; display; none";
css-set-fast "#gameport; left; 20%";
css-set-fast "#gameport; right; 20%";

If you run that, you’ll see that we’ve succeeded! But perhaps you want to change the background of everything outside the game. To that, you can adjust the “.play” element:

css-set-fast ".play; background; lightblue";

That’s a pretty pleasant layout, I think. You can try playing with the percentages: lower numbers will make the game take up a larger width of the screen.

If you must, you can also hide the Quixe credits in the bottom left:

css-set-fast ".interpretercredit;display;none";

11. Releasing your Bisquixe game

All of your stylings are lovely, but they won’t be seen by anyone else unless you publish your website online. Many online services, like and IFComp, ask that you upload a website as a .zip file which has a single index.html (the main web page).

With Bisquixe, we have a problem: all of our styling has been applied to play.html, and we really don’t use index.html at all. The solution, fortunately, is easy:

  1. Delete the current index.html file in the Releases folder inside your project’s .materials folder.
  2. Rename play.html to index.html.
  3. Zip up the Releases folder.
  4. Upload the zipped file to a hosting platform.

And you’re done!

12. Conclusion

Through the power of Bisquixe, you can now change the colors and fonts of a released Inform game entirely within Inform! If you’d like to learn more about CSS stylings, I highly recommend W3 Schools.

But remember that interactive fiction has text at its core. For playability and accessibility, you should also provide a downloadable version of your game as a .gblorb for use in offline play. There, players will see none of your stylings.

This guide tends to make some rather gauche design choices in order to demonstrate commands’ effects. Remember that a small amount of styling can often go a long way.

Good luck, and happy game and graphic designing!

Part II – Cookbook

This section is designed to give useful snippets of code or complete themes for use with Bisquixe.

13. Styling room headers

Bisquixe can let us style the room names that are printed when traveling from one room to another. The element is called “.Style_subheader”. We’ll use a Google font and turn the headers green.

When play begins:
	import-google-fonts "Bebas+Neue";
	css-set-fast ".Style_subheader; font-family; Bebas Neue, sans-serif";
	css-set-fast ".Style_subheader; font-size; 30px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_subheader; color; green";

14. Gradients and background images

Using “background-image”, we can apply a colorful gradient to our game. (Note that there should be no spaces between the two listed colors.)

When play begins:
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background-image; linear-gradient(yellow,orange)";

Or, if you remember late-nineties and early-aughts homemade websites, they often featured a textured background, such as sand, marble, or paper; others had more abstract designs. Against most rational advice, we can repeat that effect here. The background images are usually small and meant to be tiled. Your image (here, LOVE.JPG) needs to be placed in the Releases folder of your .materials folder, and the filename in Inform should match the capitalization of the file itself.

When play begins:
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background-image; url('LOVE.JPG')";

15. Hide the scrollbar

To hide the scrollbar that appears on the right side of the game, try:

css-set-fast "::-webkit-scrollbar; display; none";

Authors will have to weigh the merits of this choice. Players will still be able to scroll via a mouse wheel or trackpad.

16. Hide the status line

All we need to do to hide the status line is tell it not to display.

css-set-fast ".GridWindow; display; none";

17. Increase the padding around the game text

If you feel the game text is too close to the edges of the box in which it lives, you can increase the margins. This is through the CSS property of “padding”.

css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; padding; 20px";

This will create a twenty-pixel margin around all of the text from the edges of the game area. A higher pixel value will inset the game even further. I sometimes feel that the text feels a little cramped on the left and bottom sides of the game area. You can instead adjust “padding-left” and “padding-bottom” (and “padding-right” and “padding-top”) separately.

css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; padding-left; 40px";
css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; padding-bottom; 100px";

18. Retro computer theme

Here is a (nearly) monochrome black-and-green theme with computer-y fonts. For an amber color, try hex code #cd8c00 to replace the green.

When play begins:
	import-google-fonts "Source+Code+Pro&family=Share+Tech+Mono";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; #00aa00"; [retro green]
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; black";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-family; Share Tech Mono";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; font-size; 18px";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; black";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; color; #00aa00";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; font-family; Source Code Pro";
	css-set-fast ".Input; color; #aaaaaa";
	css-set-fast ".Input.LineInput; font-family; Share Tech Mono";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input; color; #00aa00";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input; font-family; Share Tech Mono";
	css-set-fast ".play; background; #0a0b0a"; [dark gray]
	css-set-fast ".coverimage; display; none";
	css-set-fast ".links; display; none";
	css-set-fast "#gameport; left; 20%";
	css-set-fast "#gameport; right; 20%";

19. AGT colors

This theme presents the default colors for an AGT (Adventure Game Toolkit) game in all their glory.

When play begins:
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; background; #aa0000"; [red]
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; color; #ffff55"; [yellow]
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; #0000aa" [blue];
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; color; white";
	css-set-fast ".Input; color; #ffff55";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input; color; white";

20. Text messaging theme

This example by @mathbrush (based on work by @malacostraca) formats your game to look like a text message conversation.

"TextMessaging" by Mathbrush

Release along with a "Bisquixe" interpreter.
Release along with a "Bisquixe" website.

Include Simple Multimedia Effects by Mathbrush.

Current Room is a room.

The room description heading rule does nothing.

Rule for constructing the status line:
	do nothing;
When play begins:
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow;padding;100px 250px 6px 2px";
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow;background-color;white";
	css-set-fast ".coverimage;display;none";
	css-set-fast ".interpretercredit;display;none";
	css-set-fast ".links;display;none";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;font-family; sans-serif";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;border-radius; 20px 20px 20px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;margin; 0 15px 10px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;padding; 15px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;position; relative";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;display; block";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;width; 400px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;animation-name; popin";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;animation-duration; 0.2s";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;background-color; #E5E4E9";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text;color; #363636";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; transform; rotateY(180deg)";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before;  border-color; #E5E4E9";
	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before;  left; -50px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; border-color; #E5E4E9";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; border-radius; 50% 50% 50% 50%";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; border-style; solid";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; border-width; 0 20px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; bottom; 0";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; clip; rect(20px, 35px, 42px, 0px)";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; content; ' '";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; height; 40px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; position; absolute";
  	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before;right; -50px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_text:before; width; 30px";
	[Now for your input]
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;font-family; sans-serif";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;border-radius; 20px 20px 20px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;margin; 0 15px 10px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;padding; 15px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;position; relative";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;display; block";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;width; 400px";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;animation-name; popin";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;animation-duration; 0.2s";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;background-color; #2095FE";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input;color; #363636";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; transform; rotateY(0deg)";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before;  border-color; #2095FE";
	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before;  left; 420px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; border-color; #2095FE";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; border-radius; 50% 50% 50% 50%";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; border-style; solid";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; border-width; 0 20px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; bottom; 0";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; clip; rect(20px, 35px, 42px, 0px)";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; content; ' '";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; height; 40px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; position; absolute";
  	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before;right; 420px";
 	css-set-fast ".Style_input:before; width; 30px";
 	css-set-fast ".Buffer_input; text-align; right";
	now the command prompt is " ";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;border-radius; 20px 20px 20px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;color; #363636";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;margin; 0 15px 10px";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;padding; 15px 20px";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;position; relative";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;display; block";
	css-set-fast ".LineInput;width; 400px";

To say text-style:
	set-any-class "text";
Before issuing the response text of a response: say text-style. 

Before doing something:
	say text-style;

The description of Current Room is "[text-style]You look around.[roman type]"

21. Game in a bubble (TV theme)

By hiding the status bar and scroll bar, we can make our game appear in a single bubble, with a shape reminiscent of an old TV. With additional styling, perhaps the game could be a porthole on a seafaring or spacefaring vessel.

When play begins:
	css-set-fast ".GridWindow; display; none";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; margin-top; 5%";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; margin-bottom; 10%";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; border-radius; 50px";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; background; ghostwhite";
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; color; #0a0a0a"; [dark gray]
	css-set-fast ".BufferWindow; padding; 25px"; [move the text away from the sides]
	css-set-fast ".play; background; #0a0a0a"; 
	css-set-fast "#windowport; background; #0a0a0a";
	css-set-fast ".coverimage; display; none";
	css-set-fast ".links; display; none";
	css-set-fast "#gameport; left; 20%";
	css-set-fast "#gameport; right; 20%";
	css-set-fast "::-webkit-scrollbar; display; none";

22. Additional documentation and further Bisquixe capabilities
In addition to styling, Bisquixe has new commands for working with hyperlinks, sound, and images.

You can learn more about all of these topics on its official development and documentation thread.

23. Usage and guide version

You are welcome to copy, modify, and use any of the code provided in this guide in your Inform projects.

Version 1.02
December 14, 2023
Bisquixe version 3
Simple Multimedia Effects for V10 version 4


Hey friends–here’s a guide to basic styling of an Inform-created website using Bisquixe and the Simple Multimedia Effects extension. Despite the guide, I don’t really know CSS that well; I’m better at hacking things together. So if any of you CSS-knowledgeable folks think there’s a better way to do things, or if my code might cause problems, please let me know! I’m open to any other corrections or suggestions to the text as well.

And–if you do something cool with Bisquixe and think it should be added to the Cookbook section, just let me know!

Happy styling!


Several of the Dannii Willis extensions required by Glulx Entry Points don’t seem to be updated for Inform v10—is there any standard version of them one should have installed? Installing the latest available versions (I thought) threw up a late compilation error for me.


Glulx Entry Points for v10, which I got from the public library (installable via the extensions tab), doesn’t use any other extension as far as I know.

The full text of the extension that I have is:

Version 10.0.150101 of Glulx Entry Points (for Glulx only) by Emily Short begins here.

"Provides hooks to allow the author to write specialized multimedia behavior that would normally go through HandleGlkEvent. This is a rather dull utility library that will be of most use to authors wanting to write Glulx extensions compatible with other Glulx extensions already in use."

Use authorial modesty.

Section - Use option

[As of version 10, Glulx Entry Points has a somewhat more flexible approach to event handling than did earlier versions: Whereas the latter consulted one of eight separate rulebooks depending on the event type, Glulx Input Loops passes the event type into a single parametrized rulebook. This means, for example, that we can have a general rule for event handling that fires no matter what the event, alongside the usual event-based rules. It allows us to group events by broader type (e.g. events generated by the player vs. events generated by the system).

Many existing extensions are based on the older system, however, and we would break those extensions if we simply removed the older event-handling rulebooks. So, we retain them, and Glulx Entry Points will (by default) still pass event-handling to those rulebooks. This means that existing code will continue to work as before, and we can also use the new parameterized rulebook if we like.

This use option disables the old rulebooks, and should be used only when we know that we are not using an extension that depends on the old rulebooks.]

Use direct event handling translates as (- Constant DIRECT_GLK_EVENT_HANDLING; -).

Section - New rulebooks

[This first set of rulebooks--the event-handling rulebooks--are now deprecated in favor of the "glulx input handling rulebook".]
The glulx timed activity rules is a rulebook.
The glulx redrawing rules is a rulebook.
The glulx arranging rules is a rulebook.
The glulx sound notification rules is a rulebook.
The glulx mouse input rules is a rulebook.
The glulx character input rules is a rulebook.
The glulx line input rules is a rulebook.
The glulx hyperlink rules is a rulebook.

The glulx zeroing-reference rules is a rulebook.
The glulx resetting-windows rules is a rulebook.
The glulx resetting-streams rules is a rulebook.
The glulx resetting-filerefs rules is a rulebook.
The glulx object-updating rules is a rulebook.

Section - Global variables

Current glulx rock is a number that varies.
Current glulx rock-ref is a number that varies.

Glulx replacement command is some indexed text that varies.

Library input context is a number variable. [This describes the event context in which input was received, e.g. whether the Inform library was awaiting line input or char input. If 0, the library was awaiting line input, if 1, char input. This is not as useful as an event-typed value would be; with such a value, we could detect any input context--e.g., we are waiting for hyperlink input. Perhaps a future version of Glulx Entry Points will discard the old convention in favor of a more expansive system.]

Section - Gestalts

To decide whether glulx character input is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_CharInput, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx mouse input is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_MouseInput, winType_AllTypes) ) -)

To decide whether glulx graphic-window mouse input is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_MouseInput, winType_Graphics) ) -)

To decide whether glulx text-grid mouse input is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_MouseInput, winType_TextGrid) ) -)

To decide whether glulx timekeeping is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_Timer, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx graphics is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_Graphics, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx text-buffer graphics is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_DrawImage, winType_TextBuffer) ) -)

To decide whether glulx graphic-window graphics is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_DrawImage, winType_Graphics) ) -)

To decide whether glulx PNG transparency is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_GraphicsTransparency, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx sound is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_Sound, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx mod sound is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_SoundMusic, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx sound volume is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_SoundVolume, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx sound notification is supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_SoundNotify, 0) ) -)

To decide whether glulx hyperlinks are supported:
	(- ( glk_gestalt(gestalt_Hyperlinks, 0) ) -)

Section - IdentifyGlkObject routine

Include (-

   [ IdentifyGlkObject phase type ref rock;
      if (phase == 0) { ! Zero out references to our objects.
	 if (FollowRulebook( (+glulx zeroing-reference rules+) ) && RulebookSucceeded()) { rtrue; }

      if (phase == 1) { ! Reset our windows, streams and filerefs.
	(+ current glulx rock +) = rock;
	(+ current glulx rock-ref +) = ref;
         switch (type) {
            0: ! it's a window 
               	FollowRulebook( (+ glulx resetting-windows rules +) );
	 1 : ! it's a stream
               	FollowRulebook( (+ glulx resetting-streams rules +) );
    	   2 : ! it's a file reference
               	FollowRulebook( (+ glulx resetting-filerefs rules +) );

      if (phase == 2) { ! Update our objects.
         if (FollowRulebook( (+glulx object-updating rules+) ) && RulebookSucceeded()) { rtrue; }


-) replacing "IdentifyGlkObject".

Section - Event types

A g-event is a kind of value. The g-events are timer-event, char-event, line-event, mouse-event, arrange-event, redraw-event, sound-notify-event, and hyperlink-event.

To decide which g-event is null-event: (- 0 -)

Section - Events dependent on the player

Definition: A g-event is independent of the player rather than dependent on the player if it is timer-event or it is sound-notify-event or it is arrange-event or it is redraw-event.

Section - Wrappers for event structure, return values, etc

To wait for glk input:
	(- glk_select(gg_event); -)

To decide whether the current input context is line input:
	(- ( (+ library input context +) == 0 ) -)

To decide whether the current input context is char/character input:
	(- ( (+ library input context +) == 1 ) -)
To decide which g-event is the current glk event:
	(- evGlobal-->0 -)
To decide what number is the window of the current glk event:
	(- evGlobal-->1 -)
To decide what number is the character code returned:
	(- evGlobal-->2 -)

To decide what number is input replacement:
	(- 2 -)

To decide what number is input continuation:
	(- 1 -)

Section - Event Handling

[This is an I7 version of the event handling that was included in the I6 HandleGlkEvent routine in previous versions of Glulx Entry Points, with minor changes to allow any event type to provide a replacement command. Converted to I7 code in version 10.]

To decide what number is the value returned by glk event handling (this is the handle glk event rule):
	now glulx replacement command is "";
	follow the glulx input handling rules for the current glk event;
	if the outcome of the rulebook is the replace player input outcome:
		decide on input replacement;
	if the outcome of the rulebook is the require input to continue outcome:
		decide on input continuation;
	follow the command-counting rules;
	if the rule succeeded:
		follow the input-cancelling rules;
		follow the command-showing rules;
		follow the command-pasting rules;
		if the [command-pasting] rule succeeded:
			decide on input replacement.

Section - HandleGlkEvent routine

Include (- Array evGlobal --> 4; -).

Include (- 

  [ HandleGlkEvent ev context abortres newcmd cmdlen i ;
      for (i=0:i<3:i++) evGlobal-->i = ev-->i;
      (+ library input context +) = context;
      return ((+ handle glk event rule +)-->1)();

-) replacing "HandleGlkEvent".

Section - Useful function wrappers

To update/redraw the/-- status line:
	(- DrawStatusLine(); -)

To print prompt:
	(- PrintPrompt(); -)

Section - The glulx input handling rulebook

[These rules route input to the separate event-handling rulebooks originally used by older versions of Glulx Entry Points. They do nothing if we have activated the direct event handling use option.]

The glulx input handling rules are a g-event based rulebook. The glulx input handling rules have outcomes replace player input (success) and require input to continue (success).

Last glulx input handling rule for a timer-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP timed activity rule):
	abide by the glulx timed activity rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for a char-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP character input rule):
	abide by the glulx character input rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for a line-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP line input rule):
	follow the glulx line input rules;
	if the rule succeeded:
		replace player input.

Last glulx input handling rule for a mouse-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP mouse input rule):
	abide by the glulx mouse input rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for an arrange-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP arranging rule):
	abide by the glulx arranging rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for a redraw-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP redrawing rule):
	abide by the glulx redrawing rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for a sound-notify-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP sound notification rule):
	abide by the glulx sound notification rules.

Last glulx input handling rule for a hyperlink-event when the direct event handling option is not active (this is the redirect to GEP hyperlink rule):
	abide by the glulx hyperlink rules.

Section - Debounce arrange events - unindexed

[ Gargoyle sends an arrange event while the user is dragging the window borders, but we really only want one event at the end. Debounce the arrange event to ignore the earlier ones. ]

Arranging now in GEP is a truth state variable. Arranging now in GEP is false.

First glulx input handling rule for an arrange-event while arranging now in GEP is false (this is the debounce arrange event rule):
	let i be 0; [ for the I6 polling code to use ]
	let final return value be a number;
	let arrange again be true;
	[ Poll for further arrange events ]
	while 1 is 1:
		poll for events in GEP;
		if the current event number in GEP is 0:
		otherwise if the current glk event is an arrange-event:
		[ We have a different event ]
			[ Run the arrange rules ]
			let temp event type be the current glk event;
			set the current glk event in GEP to an arrange-event;
			now final return value is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event;
			set the current glk event in GEP to temp event type;
			now arrange again is false;
			now final return value is the value returned by glk event handling;
	[ Run the arrange rules if we didn't get another event type ]
	if arrange again is true:
		now final return value is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event;
	[ Return values ]
	if final return value is input replacement:
		replace player input;
	if final return value is input continuation:
		require input to continue;
	rule fails;

To decide what number is the glulx input handling rules for an arrange event:
	let final return value be a number;
	now arranging now in GEP is true;
	now final return value is the value returned by glk event handling;
	now arranging now in GEP is false;
	decide on final return value;

To poll for events in GEP:
	(- glk_select_poll( gg_event ); for ( tmp_0 = 0 : tmp_0 < 3 : tmp_0++) { evGlobal-->tmp_0 = gg_event-->tmp_0; } -).

To decide what number is the current event number in GEP:
	(- evGlobal-->0 -).

To set the current glk event in GEP to (ev - a g-event):
	(- evGlobal-->0 = {ev}; -).

Section - Command-counting rules

The command-counting rules are a rulebook.

A command-counting rule (this is the ordinary checking for content rule):
	if the number of characters in the glulx replacement command is 0, rule fails;
	rule succeeds.

Section - Input-cancelling rules
The input-cancelling rules are a rulebook.

An input-cancelling rule (this is the cancelling input in the main window rule):
	cancel line input in the main window;
	cancel character input in the main window;
To cancel line input in the/-- main window:
	(- glk_cancel_line_event(gg_mainwin, GLK_NULL); -)
To cancel character input in the/-- main window:
	(- glk_cancel_char_event(gg_mainwin); -)

Section - Command showing rules

The command-showing rules are a rulebook.

A command-showing rule (this is the print text to the input prompt rule):
	say input-style-for-glulx;
	say Glulx replacement command;
	say roman type;

To say input-style-for-Glulx: 
	(- glk_set_style(style_Input); -)

Section - Command pasting rules

The command-pasting rules are a rulebook. 

A command-pasting rule (this is the glue replacement command into parse buffer rule): 
	change the text of the player's command to the Glulx replacement command;
	rule succeeds.

and there aren’t any ‘include’ statements in there that I can see. If you’re using Inform 7 and Inform 10 simultaneously, things can get weird, but I don’t think Glulx Entry Points depends on any other extension.

I wonder if there are multiple version floating around?


That’s the original GEP, from before I started reorganising (or breaking) things in the Glk ecosystem. We removed GEP as a built in extension from Inform 10 because soon it will be built into the kits. (Here’s the pull request for the new Glk foundations.)



I’m totally not considering doing a new release for an old game


Seriously, thanks for writing this up. I’m excited by the possibilities.


It sounds like installing the old version (150101 ) should work for now, and for me when I download Inform 10 that’s the version available.

I should note that Parchment is in the process of developing many things that I aim for with Bisquixe. As time goes on my goal is to switch most of the extension over to Parchment and my extension should get smaller and more focused. Right now, though, the steps described above (using the old version of Glulx Entry Points) should work.


Downloading directly from the Inform 10 app hasn’t been working for me, so I turned to Google. Must have downloaded the incorrect version. Copy-pasting the code above worked! Thank you!


I have not tried this so there may be some CSS/type magic I don’t understand, but should these match (either [headline type] or [headline style] or is there something else going on?

To say headline type:
The description of the newspaper is "The headline reads: [headline style]ALIENS INVADE EARTH![roman style]".

Since you initially defined this as “headline type” should this be

The description of the newspaper is "The headline reads: [headline type]ALIENS INVADE EARTH![roman type]".

Because the substitution as default is [roman type] not [roman style]?

(I frequently make this mistake putting [roman] or [roman font] but the default in I7 is [roman type]. You made it [headline type] but then used “style” twice.

Inform 7 type style: 5.9. Text with type styles

Because of this, I always stick stubstitutions in my games because I don’t like typing out [italic type]…[roman type] so I change them to [i]...[/]

To say i: say "[italic type]".
To say b: say "[bold type]".
to say f: say "[fixed letter spacing]".
to say v: say "[variable letter spacing]".
to say p: say "[paragraph break]".
to say l: say "[line break]".
to say /: say "[roman type]".

say "This makes for [i]less[/] typing..."

Good catch. I had it correct in the final code but not the narrative. I’ve updated it.

I do this, too, and wholeheartedly recommend it for anyone making even a somewhat sizeable game. I think the shorthand for line breaks and paragraph breaks is particularly important, as it’s highly likely those will be needed (and often in several places).


How/where would one define the keyframes for an animation like this?


I didn’t write that code and am pretty unknowledgeable about keyframes overall, unfortunately. I’ve got a hacky example below (code stolen from W3Schools), and it sorta works, but I wouldn’t say it works correctly. I think part of the issue is that keyframes uses internal semicolons, and Bisquixe doesn’t play well with that. When I tried inspecting the resulting style code of play.html, one of the semicolons required for keyframes gets turned into a colon. @mathbrush might have more insight or might be able to accommodate for this in a future release. Or maybe someone who knows keyframes better would be able to massage the code correctly.

But here’s the code that jumps the room description around (though the desired effect is smooth movement):

"Keyframes test" by "Biscuit Quick"

Part - Setup

Release along with a "Bisquixe" interpreter.

Include Simple Multimedia Effects For V10 by Mathbrush.
To say move type:
	set-any-class "move".

Part - When play begins

When play begins:
	say "Welcome to Alien Invasion!";
	css-set-fast ".Style_move; animation; mymove 5s infinite";
	css-set-fast ".Style_move; background; red"; 
	css-set-fast ".Style_move; position; relative";
	css-set-fast "@keyframes mymove;from {top: 0px;} to {top: 200px;};";

Part - Lab

Lab is a room.  "[move type]You're in a high-tech lab.[roman type]"

So there’s two ways that this can be approached.

One is by modifying Bisquixe. If you open up the Bisquixe template folder that you originally downloaded and then open the ‘glkote.min.js’ you can find this code inside:

function glk_set_css_fast(val){
	const vals = val.split(';');
//	alert (vals[0]+ " " + vals[1] + " " + vals[2]);
//		$(vals[0]).css(vals[1], vals[2]); 
	$('<style> '+vals[0]+' { '+vals[1]+': '+vals[2]+'; }</style>').appendTo('head');	

(the alerts are just there for debugging, I’m only including them so you can find this). Do you see how it says split(';')? That chops up everything you type in into three pieces, separated by semicolons. Then below it three pieces into a ‘style’ tag in the format:

[first chunk of text] {
   [second chunk of text]: [third chunk of text]

So right now it uses semicolons to ‘chop up’ your input. If you just change the semicolon to something else, then you can use that instead.

So if you want to split it up with the | symbol, you could use:

The other option is just to type stuff directly into the css files that come with the game. There are two css files, glkote.css and style.css in the bisquixe template folder. If you just pop one of them open and type the css you want into them, they’ll stay there every time you hit ‘release’. This has always been available in Quixe; Bisquixe is just a fast and easy way to do simple things, you’ll have to do the slower, traditional method to get complicated things to work.

Edit: @bjbest60 thanks for this guide, by the way! I knew how to program the CSS to change but not what would aesthetically look good with it. I used this guide in writing my latest game!


I didn’t know about this! I’m much more confident messing with CSS than I am with any I6 code (which reads to me like ancient magic runes) or even Javascript (which reads like even more ancient runes)—thank you!


Sometimes using google fonts may not be enough (the font that you want isn’t there). However, it is possible to include a regular TTF font with a website (more info: How to include a font .ttf using CSS ? - GeeksforGeeks). Can it be added to Bisquixe in an easy way without having to resort to editing the release in post?

Also, info on other functions the extension seems to come with, such as css-set-slow, audio, links, etc. would be nice.

1 Like

The other functions are covered in the official documentation post, so I recommend checking there. (The link I had in the guide was broken, but I’ve now fixed it.)

This seems interesting and useful. I’ll check it out.

1 Like

I looked into the .ttf possibility, and, in consultation with @mathbrush, we determined Bisquixe can’t do this directly.

However, it isn’t too bad to edit the CSS directly.

First, put the .ttf file in the “interpreter” folder of the generated website. Here, I’m using “giggle.ttf”.

Then add this code (changing the filename to whatever file you’re using) to the top of glkote.css:

@font-face {
  font-family: myFont;
  src: url(giggle.ttf);

Now you can use myFont for any font-family declaration:

font-family: myFont, Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;

And it should work like the below. I used the Super Giggle font, which I renamed to one word. (The below example includes other formatting I already had, but it demonstrates the font change.)


Can’t Bisquixe add a command that’s like

add-font-face “name; url”

that would produce a tag via document.write that would have the following:

@font-face {
    font-family: name;
    src: url(url);


add-font-face "myFont; giggle.ttf"

that would make the interpreter write the following via document.write or under HEAD tag:

@font-face {
    font-family: myFont;
    src: url(giggle.ttf);

The user having to specify font extension is there for purpose, as other font formats such as WOFF2 or OTF can be used in @font-face as well.

The actual TTF file can be automatically added to the game’s folder using the “release along with file” command.

1 Like

I am the person in charge of Bisquixe right now. I looked into this, and you’re right, I would be able to write the kind of function you’re mentioning. Doing that would just need me to update the extension and the html code, which would be pretty easy (just copying the other functions and changing it to say this).

I kind of want to wait for one of two things: first, parchment and Inform are getting major updates that may very well make Bisquixe redundant (especially if they find a good way to add graphics to the game without having to manually edit the html). Second, if Bisquixe is not made redundant, I’d like to avoid making too many versions of it in a short time span because it can end up in a lot of different versions of the extension floating around and people’s code not working on some versions. So I’d like to wait until there’s more than just one thing to update.

Those may be dumb reasons, so I may change my mind and add this sooner, but right now I plan on waiting a bit. In the meantime, it’s not too hard to edit the css file that comes with inform; in fact, if you take the file after you edit it and put it in the ‘bisquixe’ folder it should automatically stay the same every time you ‘release’ so that you don’t have to edit it every time.

If you or anyone else wants to make the changes yourself you are free to do so, and can either do a pull request on github or open your own fork. If you search the code for the google api stuff it should be very similar to that (and the only web code that needs changing is the glkote javascript file near the bottom).


I’m not very good with JS, sadly.