Balladeer - News and Updates

Thank you. I am here most days of the week. Let me know if I can help in any way.

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Exciting times! Balladeer 0.38.0 is released today.

This is the first version with online documentation.
There are loads of examples, all now converted to use SpeechMark syntax.

Among these of course, Cloak of Darkness, of which a screenshot here:

I’m looking for constructive criticism from a few brave early adopters.

If you experience anything resembling disappointment or frustration with this framework, please
submit an issue ticket. These will be my priority to fix.


Announcing version 0.39.0 of the Balladeer Python library.

As of today, three new parameters are available which give deep and flexible integration with CSS3. There is a new example which demonstrates their use.

You can now declare classes, themes, and styles directly from a line of SpeechMark dialogue. The artistic possibilities are limited only by your ingenuity!

Considering an ambitious project which requires a fully-featured framework? Then give Balladeer a try.

Don’t forget to report any technical bother in an issue ticket. Have fun!