Bad Water

This game is baffling. It’s completely full-motion video, and seems to be a remake of this game:

There’s never been a full-motion video in the comp. With Bandersnatch snagging some attention at XYZZYs, it seems like the community has embraced FMV as interactive fiction. What do you think about this game?

Does it seem to you that it infringes on the original’s copyright, in the sense that comp rule 1 for authors prohibits? I myself can’t get it running: all I see is three folders full of sounds, video, and images, but no executable and no documentation besides the acknowledgement of its intellectual debt.

I’m stuck. I exited the maze with the secret word and the guy on the phone told me to help the masked guy sober up. How do I do this?

Hello Author here.

Do you happen to have the earlier version of the zip archive containing all the games?
Because they had a bit of a problem and Bad Water was unplayable during the first few hours of the Comp. They since fixed it.

If you have some time, i would like to hear your thoughts about the game when you get the chance!


No, it definitely seems like a tribute, not a ripoff


thank you for the reassurance.

i also added a walkthrough if anyone is interested.


I’ll download the new version and take a look. Thanks, @6f!

The IFComp site says this is a web-based game, but there is only a download link, not a play online link–is it a download? And what format is it, if so?

I had to download. It’s Twine with video and audio files.

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It’s a Twine game, the downloaded zip file contains BadWater.html (plus audio and video in a subdirectory). I’m not sure why it doesn’t have a play online link.
Edit: oops, preempted by mathbrush. :smiley:



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I’ve also posted a review of it on my blog.

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It’s really late since I’ve been busy with a lot of things but i wondered if anyone was interested at a sort of postmortem for this game.


I didn’t get to your game during the comp, but on principle I say go for it! I think postmortems (or whatever you call them) are always valuable, and I’ve seen surprisingly few of them this year. I enjoy seeing authors discuss their design decisions.