Avatar Flair (icon by your avatar)

I’ve been experimenting with Avatar Flair which is basically a teeny icon by your avatar that can be hooked to a group.

Essentially I put it on all the people who were in IFComp 2022. My thinking is for competitions I’m going to put the flair on the current or most recent group, but then move it to next-year’s entrants. So you can keep the title, but the flair will move around.

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 7.19.17 PM

If you don’t like it, you can turn it off or change it just like your title in preferences under Account below your email and your title. Choose none to go back to your naked avatar:

Screen Shot 2023-02-12 at 7.16.11 PM


I tried getting rid of my Flair but it’s too sticky.

I set it to “(none)” in my preferences, clicked “save changes” and it’s still there. I shut off intfiction and then returned to see if that would reboot it without the Flair. Still there.

I guess I’ll just have to flaunt my Flair for all to see…


What do all these symbols mean? :slight_smile:

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You can hover your mouse cursor over a symbol to see its meaning. Yours says “trust level 2”.

You can find a list of them in your personal preferences menu (See Hanon’s screenshot above).

@HanonO , does the scroll-down list of Flairs in preferences mean I can just assign myself the Flair for “trust level 1”?

EDIT: Oy! Where’d the Flair list go?


What dark magic are you speaking of these type of things are just figments of your imagination surely oh look a the flock of majestic swans over there across the lake


Oooh! Swans!



Hmm, I saw it in the preference, but now it’s empty. And what about other icons (sandglass, lamp)? I’m just wondering if they make any functional sense. And where I can see the full list?

I don’t have a mouse on my smartphone :slight_smile:

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Am I a dupe or simply the collateral damage of an inside joke here? I don’t see any flair. No icons on anyone else and no option for flair in my preferences. (No swans either.)

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It’s just @HanonO gaslighting again. The flairs were there earlier (I swear), but now they’ve disappeared.

Perhaps they’ll come back later?




(At least it gave me the opportunity to try the new “one character post” feature.)


The swans are still there though.




The story on this: I was playing around last night (nobody’s online between 1-4am CT US right??) and was like "Oh, it’d be cool if regulars had an icon. Then as experimental good ideas explode, I went ‘if I can do this, I can give EVERYONE FLAIR’ and it was actually kind of cool because in a thread it gave ideas of how veteran the responses were, and was easy to immediately tell if a poster was brand-new or moderately experienced, or had been here forever. I even figured out how to give Staff an IF icon matching the header.

Then I realized since trust levels are automatically assigned and you can’t leave those groups, it was impossible to remove that flair and select “none”. You could change it and masquerade as a lower trust level or switch to any other flair you previously possessed, but it was impossible to have a naked avatar and I know that would tweak some people.


Thanks for explaining yourself!

I’ll be wide awake and watching carefully next time at 1am CT US (7am over here in GMT, I think) to make sure you don’t do anything else weird while America sleeps.


This is a great setup for a horror movie: guy alone late at night starts experimenting with something online. And then something terrible is supposed to happen: the demon comes through the computer and possesses you, or the flair is some kind of curse and bad things start happening to everyone who has one, etc. Blood must be spilt.

But the way the story panned out is really disappointing, so I think you should tell it right. I sense you covering up your supernatural mistake with this tale of moderator practicality. What REALLY happened late at night with the flair that scared you so badly you need to cover it up?


@AmandaB 's working on a horror piece. Working title: The Flair

I don’t know what really happened either, but it’s come back with a vengeance.
There is now a hideously purple flag obscuring my pretty self-drawn avatar.

Like, a “shimmering through the cracks underneath the universe”-purple…

And (none) does not repel it.


Yeah. See? I knew it would incense people.


Hanon sitting in chair in front of computer screen:

----pushes button, leans back, counts to three…----

“Look at 'em go! I have the power!”


My favorite depiction of flair is in the film Office Space. :grin:


How about The “Which Flair?” Project.