I want to change the printed name of a weapon from (e.g.) “short sword” to “short sword (wielded)” whenever the player (action name) WIELDS short sword. However, my statement below causes a stack overflow for Gulag.
Wielding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "wield [weapon]" as wielding.
Check wielding:
if noun is not carried by the player:
say "You don't have that to wield.";
Carry out wielding:
now noun is wielded;
Report wielding:
say "You wield the [noun]";
now printed name of noun is "[printed name of noun] (wielded)";
Gluxe ftal error: Stack access out of range (10004)
There should be a simple way to do this. Concatenation doesn’t seems to be available in INFORM. Any advice?