Are there any strong reasons against "use memory economy" in release mode?

Well, what the question says.

Of course switching it on in Debug mode means we can’t see rule names, which is bad for bug-hunting.

I realized, though, I’d been assuming it had no drawbacks in release.

Similarly, I’m curious about OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES’s possible ill effects on release builds, as it’s done a neat job of keeping some of my projects in z-machine range. It doesn’t feel like there should be any, but you never know.


(Economy cuts down the verbosity of some of the testing commands, but otherwise subtracts no performance.)

…is what the docs say.

Similarly, I’m curious about OMIT_UNUSED_ROUTINES’s possible ill effects on release builds

It wasn’t really well-tested until the Punylib crowd started using it. At this point I think it’s proven safe.