April 1 is Source Code Amnesty Day (it happened!)

Yeah. This will be my first time getting it to run and I’m not nearly as technically inclined as Aaron. I got some of his scripts to run on a trial game I tried but there’s a good chance I’ll need the full 2-3 days to get everything running on the website.


Totally up to you, but my thought was that SCAD 2023 would be for 2022 and earlier games; ‘23 games could see release on SCAD 2024. Again, please do whatever seems cool to you but just figured I’d state the proposed norm.





It doesn’t look like it will get out of the unprocessed files folder on ifarchive today, so for now I’ll just link to that. Later it will be on ifdb.org.

Crash source: https://ifarchive.org/if-archive/unprocessed/Crash.zip


It’s past midnight in my time zone, so you know what that means – happy Source Code Amnesty Day!

Source for The Eleusinian Miseries

Source for Sting

(Added to the IFDB pages too. Same as for Phil, the files are still in the ifarchive unprocessed folder so will update the links once they’re final).

There are definitely jokes in TEM that I don’t think anyone ever saw (er, including I think at least one that’s actually impossible for a player to see), and earlier today somebody was having trouble with the conversation extension I used in Sting, so hopefully these’ll be amusing and/or useful to somebody.

Edit: updated with final ifarchive links!)


I’m working on it now and struck a dilemma with file naming conventions, what to publish and where to publish. I’ve started a new topic here and would appreciate any thoughts on this.


This thread has inspired me to release my source code, but I’ll tidy it up first and do it in my own time. I’m not good with deadlines, outside of work anyway.


The Inform source code for BYOD is now included in the download and can be browsed from the index page (by clicking on “run game” and “source.txt”).


Happy Source Code Day!

I don’t know if it’s cheating but… I’ve uploaded the source code and file of my first ever game. Baby Manon learning how to code…


Happy Source Code Day!

I have just released the source code for my two Inform 7 games:

The Dragon Diamond (here) Notes: Novice code, help menu, scoring, Also Adrift source(taf-file)
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants (here) Notes: Novice code, library utilizing tables

I plan to upload them later to the IF Archive.


I released a heavily-commented archive of an abandoned TADS 3 game: Convolution.

It contains all the source code, a journal, old builds, and design notes. The source is about half a megabyte, all up. I wrote a guide to the archive to give some context and pointers on poking around.

The game is a mess, but the implementation is quite good, if I do say so myself.

I am yet to decrypt old hard-drives to try to find the source code to my released game Mix Tape. That game was a mess, but so was its implementation :sweat_smile:

(EDIT: I’ve updated the repo to include links on how to play what’s there, and polished the README a little more)


All updates to my game (the Restaurant at the End of the Universe) are here: Milliways Uploads - Google Drive

Along with a game file and updates.


Loving the design material and notes for Convolution, it’s fascinating to see the thought and effort put into it in raw form. Thanks for releasing it!


Thanks for gettin’ a little TADS code out there, Brett! I enjoy seeing how others code/implement…


It’s really fun seeing how you handle broad kinds of objects like scenery. I’m sure you have similar stuff in, say, Dreamhold’s source code, but Hadean Lands is so fun that it’s more motivating towards reading the source code.

I thought this was helpful (for distant objects):

A far-sight is a kind of thing.
A far-sight is usually scenery.
A far-sight has a text called the reach-reason. The reach-reason of a far-sight is usually "[The item described] is out of reach."
Instead of doing anything except examining or searching or entering to a far-sight (this is the far-sight out of reach rule):
if inspecting a far-sight with something:
continue the action;
if reading a readable far-sight:
continue the action;
instead say "[the reach-reason of the noun][line break]".
Check putting something on a far-sight:
instead try touching the second noun.
Check inserting something into a far-sight:
instead try touching the second noun.
Check tapping something on a far-sight:
instead try touching the second noun.
Check entering a far-sight:
[not caught by the Instead rule; can be customized separately.]
instead try touching the noun.
Check searching a far-sight:
[not caught by the Instead rule; can be customized separately.]
instead try touching the noun.

Mike, I was browsing through the code of both your games (the sailing in Sting is really complex!) and I loved these lines in The Eleusinian Mysteries:

Instead of taking an inkdingle (called the foo) when the foo is on the writing desk:
	Say "Taken.";
	Now the player carries the foo;
	Now the writing desk is unhermed;

@zarf I’d love to check out the source, but I’m still hoping to play Hadean Lands at some point!


From what I’ve seen, the vast majority of it is precise, technical procedural rules that don’t elucidate much of the underlying puzzle. It’s separated into distinct files with different purposes, and only about 2 of them contain easily-identifiable spoilers. I could see still not wanting to look, but just mentioning it in case others are on the fence!


There are I think two funny things about that bit of code: 1) “inkdingle” (I strive to keep things PG, even in the source), and 2) that’s an instead rule that’s completely redundant with how the TAKE action works (I set up a custom property to track whether one of the objects you had to hide was already in a particular place, which I could have just done with a simple definition, or at least changed with a carry out rule or something! As with many first time inform authors, I way overused instead rules in that game).

Thanks everybody for posting your stuff - I’m excited to dig in. I actually had the Hadean Lands source pulled up to read later, which my 18 month old son came across when I gave him my phone to distract him from a fingernail-clipping session. He was fascinated and let me snip away without a peep, so SCAD is already doing good in the world!


Making some mental notes for his upcoming IFComp debut, surely.