Apple Vision Pro tour vid

Was I thinking of getting Apple Vision Pro? No. Not in theory, not in practice. But the developer email Apple sent me today linked to a ten-minute guided tour of AVP (note to Apple – this already stands for “Alien Vs Predator”) which I think does a very good job. So if you want to know something about what it does and how it works, give it a go:

A few criticisms:

  1. The first moment where the guy puts on the goggles and says he can see everything weirded me because I thought, ‘Well, of course you can! Obviously!’ I mean I didn’t grok the point that the goggles are recreating what he can see on screens inside the goggles, in front of his face. Perhaps they overestimated the elementary-ness of that moment.

  2. The gent wearing the goggles is insufficiently having-a-first-reaction in his performance. But genuine first reactions and an experience as smooth as this vid wants are inherently incompatible.

  3. “Inhale appreciation, exhale care.” Yech! Are all mindfulness apps this fuelled by advertising slogans?


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The most impressive thing is how “complete” this thing seems when compared to the very first iOS at launch or similar. I can’t wait to see what developers will invent.

Sooner or later, too, the goggles will become minimal, I guess.

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That is weird, but I totally (internally; not out loud where people can ridicule me) use “inhale white, exhale blue” as a mental mantra/expression of positive energy.