Apollo 18+20: Hard-Hitting Art Talk

Hm, I’m wondering if it’s worth a game update to send into our organizer. It’s not too bad to add the code, and nothing else should break with the addition…but all the same, it’s that much more mess.

Oh yeah, I added a few. Anybody who thinks they can do much better, let me know and, well, you probably can.

I like the one for Mysterious Whispers, which I just saw. Didn’t see Pass the Milk.

For those counting at home, we’re at 22/38. Not bad.

You really are the baseball guy, aren’t you? Always keeping the score [emote]:)[/emote]

Wow! I already knew you could mash up a mean lens flare, but these latest picture manipulations really take the biscuit. (Um, in plain English: good job!)

Oh and I really like Andrew’s stick figures! They’re very endearing. I’ve come to the conclusion that [size=50]almost[/size] any kind of artwork makes a game look at least semi-professional.

Thanks! I’d appreciate that. (And yeah, it shouldn’t be one of the harder ones to represent, given that the idea of things catching on fire is pretty straightforward…)

Well, lens flares are deprecable, but I wanted to give that cinematic effect. You know, for Spielberg noticing me…

Thanks for the nice words.

Ain’t nothing wrong with an occasional lens flare! Let’s not let J.J. Abrams’s indiscriminate overuse ruin a fundamentally good thing — like hipsters and irony. 8)


Thanks! I was pleased enough with the results to branch out into non-stick figures for the remainder of my games.

I have to admit that despite my not really finding cover art necessary at first and not liking that much graphics in my text adventures, I -do- remember the art from Infocom games, and I -do- enjoy seeing the art other people think up for theirs.

Agreed on the art you mentioned, too. As for keeping track–well, it’s one of those things I do when I don’t feel creative. It encourages that one side of my brain to pick up the pace and match the other side [emote]:)[/emote].

Okay, I uploaded art for “Everything is Catching on Fire” and “I Don’t Understand You.” (matt w, I’m sorry that the art for “I Don’t Understand You” is even more cop-out than I expected.)

Oh I just realized I didn’t put author names on mine! I guess I never put my name on my own games either. Authors, would you like me to add your name? (It would be trivial effort.)

That seems entirely appropriate! And no, no name necessary.

That looks awesome! Thanks so much.

Dude, sweet.